Jerusalem, unforgettable Jordan and Cairo (2025)
Preu per persona des de 2.979 €

Jerusalem, unforgettable Jordan and Cairo (2025)

Des de
2.979 €
Preu per persona
Des de
2.979 €
preu per persona




Idiomes del guia

Dia 1: Jerusalem
Dia 2: Jerusalem
Dia 3: Jerusalem
Dia 4: Jerusalem, Jerico, Jerash, Amman
Dia 5: Amman, Madaba, Amman
Dia 6: Amman, Mount Nebo, Mar Morta, Jordània
Dia 7: Mar Morta, Jordània, Shawbak, Petra
Dia 8: Petra, Wadi Rum
Dia 9: Wadi Rum, Aqaba
Dia 10: Aqaba, Amman, El Caire
Dia 11: El Caire
Dia 12: El Caire
  • Europamundo General Services: Travel by bus with Spanish speaking guide, basic travel insurance, hotel and breakfast buffet.
  • Includes arrival transfer
  • Includes departure transfer
  • City tour in: JERUSALEM, CAIRO
  • Excursion: Bethlehem, 4x4 vehicles, camel rides
  • Ticket admission: Book in the Museum of Israel, Holocaust Museum and Memorial, Church of the Nativity, in Bethlehem, Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Tomb of King David, Cenacle (Hall of the Last Supper), Abbey of the Dormiton , Fortress and Church of Saint Sergius in Ajlun, Archaeological site in Jerash; , Castle of Qasr Kharana and Castle of Qusayr Amra in Castles of the Dessert; , Church of St. George, Madaba Archaeological Park , Arqueological Site , Dead Sea Museum and Panorama Complex , Kerak castle , Moses Springs and Petra Museum , Arqueological Site , Visitor Centre, 4x4 vehicles and camel rides , Pyramids of Cheops, Kefren and Micerinos, Egyptian Museum, Citadel of Saladin and the Alabaster Mosque, the Hanging Church Coptic neighbourhood
  • Flights included: Amman - Cairo
  • 6 Lunch included in: JERASH, Madaba, Dead Sea, SHOUBAK, PETRA, CAIRO
  • 3 dinner included in: Dead Sea, PETRA, WADI RUM

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