7 noćima. Danska, Norveška
Iz 809 € Prosječno po osobi

7 noćima. Danska, Norveška

Polazak iz: Kiel Canal, Njemačka
809 €
Prosječno po osobi
Porezi uključeni
809 €
Prosječno po osobi
Porezi uključeni
Krstarenja MSC Cruises MSC Euribia
MSC Euribia
Vidi brod
Euribia is recognized as the most environmentally advanced ship in MSC's fleet. One of its particularities is that its hull design was opened to competition in October 2021, so that artists from all over the world could send their ideas. MSC focuses on zero-impact operations and a commitment to environmental sustainability, the company's motto is "blue leads to discovery, but green leads us to a better future for all". Among all the ships that make up the MSC fleet, Euribia will sail the seas being the second ship powered by LNG, thus taking another step towards sustainability.
Što biste trebali znati:
Plan puta

Redoslijed luka može varirati ovisno o datumu polaska. Provjerite svoj plan puta za točna vremena polaska i dolaska. Sati odgovaraju lokalnom vremenu luke. Itinereri se mogu promijeniti u bilo kojem trenutku bez prethodne najave.

Ukrcaj i slijetanje
Iz sigurnosnih razloga, svi se putnici moraju ukrcati 2 sata prije polaska prvog dana krstarenja. Iskrcaj obično počinje 2 sata nakon pristajanja zadnjeg dana krstarenja.
Odaberite datumCijena po putniku u dvokrevetnom smještaju / Porezi uključeni
NAPOMENA: Ako vas zanima više kabina, morate izvršiti onoliko rezervacija koliko i broj kabina koje želite. * U slučaju da ste dobili bilo koju vrstu promocije ili prednosti za Putovanja mladenaca, bit će potreban službeni dokument koji dokazuje nedavni brak para.

Otkrijte prednosti u cijenama

Bella iskustvo

Iskustvo ’Bella’ izvrsna je opcija za uživanje u udobnosti života na elegantnom, modernom brodu. Kabine u kategoriji ’Bella’ zajamčene su kabine. Uživajte u bazenima, najsuvremenijoj teretani na krovu i sportskim sadržajima na brodu. Zabava u stilu Broadwaya i pun raspored dnevnih aktivnosti, a uživat ćete iu raznim restoranima koji poslužuju izvrsnu mediteransku i internacionalnu kuhinju. Uključujući gurmanski bife otvoren 20 sati dnevno.

Fantástica Experience

Udobnost i fleksibilnost ključni su za iskustvo ’Fantastica’, koje nudi sve prednosti ’Belle’, plus razne dodatne privilegije. Odaberite kabinu i palubu kojom želite putovati i uživajte u besplatnom doručku u svojoj kabini. Besplatan doručak u kabini. Zabavite se uz aktivnosti za cijelu obitelj.

Aurea iskustvo

Neka dobrobit, maženje i mir budu u središtu vašeg krstarenja. Uz sve prednosti ’Belle’ i ’Fantastica’, cijene ’Aurea’ nude niz pogodnosti za opuštanje tijela i duha. Izbjegnite stres zahvaljujući prioritetnom ukrcaju. Krenite ravno u svoju kabinu gdje ćete pronaći izbor besplatnih wellness proizvoda. Iskoristite prednosti neograničenog pristupa spa području.

Iskustvo MSC Yacht Cluba

Kompendij elegancije i luksuza na moru, MSC Yacht Club nudi vam iskustvo krstarenja bez premca. Raskošno opremljeni apartmani, 24-satna usluga batlera i ekskluzivna recepcija samo su početak. All-inclusive a la carte obroci koji se poslužuju u željeno vrijeme u rezerviranom restoranu, neograničena pića i ekskluzivni pristup The One Sun Deck i Top Sail Lounge. Također ćete imati besplatan pristup spa centru.

Što je uključeno?

  • Cabins equipped with a double bed convertible into two single beds, air conditioning, wardrobe, private bathroom with shower or bathtub, TV, telephone, Wi-Fi, minibar and safe. Consumption not included
  • Cruise with full board, with a gourmet buffet open from 06:00 to 02:00
  • Five clubs aimed at different ages with specialized services and entertainment activities (from 0 to 17 years old) from 09:00 to 01:00
  • Theme days and nights such as White Party, Flower Power Party, talent show...
  • Two different Broadway-style shows each night and entertainment activities
  • Indoor pools (only on some ships) and outdoor pools with scheduled activities
  • Bars with live music and nightclubs (consumption not included except for clients booking an All Inclusive package)
  • Gala dinner.
  • Avant-garde gym with the best Technogym® facilities
  • Entrance to the Casino fully equipped and open until dawn
  • All entertainment activities, games, competitions, dance contests, theme nights and theater shows. Entertainment activities for children from 3 years. Monitors in the gym, volleyball, jogging track with stunning views. Pools and whirlpools, relaxation room

Što NIJE uključeno?

  • On MSC cruises, passengers must pay the service fee, which is mandatory and not included in the cruise fare; the daily service fee will be automatically added to the shipboard bill at the end of the cruise; alternatively, it can also be prepaid at the time of booking if you add the service fee to your booking.
  • Spa access and services (except access to the thermal area in the Aurea and Yacht Club categories) Due to Covid-19, a large part of the Spa services may remain closed; Some onboard services are subject to change due to local regulations in the context of the Covid-19 situation

Trebate pomoć?

Savjetujemo vas bez obveze.
Zovemo vas
Free drinks

Booking before April 30, the All Inclusive Easy drinks package is free! Limited offer, subject to availability at the time of booking Valid on select April, May and June sailings.

Reserve Calm

Change the date of your cruise and/or name free of charge, up to 15 days before departure (21 days for cruises + MSC flight*), without limitation of itinerary*, ship or duration with departure until 03/31/ 2023. Valid for departures until 03/31/2023, for reservations made until 05/31/2022.

Safe cruise

The crew and passengers on board MSC cruise ships are vaccinated and have presented a PCR test. All passengers over 12 years of age must have the complete vaccination schedule. All passengers over 2 years of age must present a negative test before boarding.

Kategorije za MSC Euribia
Slika je samo reprezentativna; veličina, raspored i oprema mogu varirati (unutar iste kategorije kabine).
Specifikacije MSC Euribia
Barovi i saloni
Dječji bazen
Noćni klub
Usluga 24h
Svečano otvoren
Brzina krstarenja
Kapacitet kabine
Kapacitet unutarnje kabine
Kapacitet vanjske kabine

Ostala krstarenja dostupna na brodu MSC Euribia

Oslobodite svog istraživača putovanja ovim izborom ponuda krstarenja.