Warm and charming, the Seven Sea Voyager was presented in 2009 to accommodate 700 passengers. This beautiful, small vessel makes it intimate and comfortable, she offers a high level of services on board with which she takes care of each of her passengers so that they can feel at home and fulfill their dreams.
Toliara (also known as Tulear) is a city located on the southwest coast of Madagascar. It is the capital of the Atsimo-Andrefana region and has a population of approximately 160,000 people. The city is known for its beautiful beaches, rich biodiversity, and unique culture.
One of the main attractions of Toliara is the nearby Ifaty Beach, which is known for its white sand and clear blue waters. The beach is also a popular destination for snorkeling and scuba diving due to the diverse marine life in the area, including sea turtles, dolphins, and colorful fish.
Toliara is also home to the Arboretum d'Antsokay, a botanical garden that features a wide range of plant species from the region, including many endemic species. The garden also includes a museum that showcases the history and culture of the local Mahafaly and Antandroy people.
The city is also a gateway to many of Madagascar's national parks and reserves, including the Isalo National Park, which is known for its unique rock formations and diverse wildlife, including lemurs, reptiles, and birds.
Toliara is also known for its unique culture, with many of the local people practicing traditional customs and beliefs. Visitors can learn about these customs by visiting local villages or attending traditional ceremonies and festivals, such as the famous Antsiva festival.
南アフリカの首都はプレトリアであるが、ケープタウンは南アフリカの二番目に大きい都市であり、西ケープ州の州都であり、南アフリカの立法首都でもある。ケープタウンは、大西洋とインド洋の両方に囲まれたテーブルマウンテンのふもとに位置しています。ケープタウンは、美しい山々や素晴らしいビーチから美しい山々や美味しいワイン街道まで、あらゆるものが集まる場所です。グリーンマーケット広場を散策したり、メインのAdderley Streetのすぐ近くにあるSA Cultural History Museumのリスガーデンの中を散策したりできます。市庁舎の影にある遊歩道は、政治集会の場としてだけでなく、食べ物から服まで何でも売る市場としても機能します。喜望城は遊歩道を一望でき、南アフリカで最も古い植民地時代の建物です。ケープタウンで最も古い住宅街の1つであるBo Kaapは、強い文化的社会的歴史を持つユニークな地域です。ノーベル広場を訪れ、南アフリカのノーベル平和賞受賞者4人へのオマージュをご覧ください。ケープタウンにはアフリカでも有数の最高級ビーチがあり、それらのすべてにケープ特有のきれいで白い砂浜があります。ケープタウンは、みんな、太陽、ビーチ、フレンドリーな人々、アフリカの文化、美味しい料理、素晴らしいワイン、そして素晴らしい景色を楽しめる素晴らしい場所です。あなたは何を待っていますか?