The newest in the family, The Seabourn Venture will be introduced in 2021 with new adventures to offer, new spaces and innovations. We are waiting for you on board to accompany you in this unforgettable experience.
Anchorage er en sammenslått by- og fylkeskommune som ligger i den sør-sentrale delen av delstaten Alaska, USA. Det er den nordligste byen i landet med mer enn 100 000 innbyggere.
Det er en kystby som, til tross for å ha mange innbyggere og et viktig urbant sentrum, har mye natur som er sentrert rundt turisme, med aktiviteter som fiske, båtturer osv. Men byens privilegium er at den har en fjellkjede noen få mil unna, og mange turistaktiviteter fokuserer også på guidede turer i fjellene.
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Dag 5
Ankomst: 07:00
Avreise: 17:00
At this time there is no description of the port. This information will be updated shortly.
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Dag 10
Resolute, canada
Ankomst: 12:00
Avreise: 17:00
Resolute is the northernmost Inuit settlement in Canada. It is located on the island of Cornwallis, in the autonomous territory of Nunavut in Resolute Bay. It is considered the coldest inhabited settlement in the world, with an annual average of about 16 ° C below zero. It was named in honor of the military ship Resolute in 1947, when it was founded as the headquarters of the airfield and meteorological station.
The city has more than one hundred houses and serves as an example of the daily life of the Inuit, who were relocated here in 1955. You can experience the snow races, because Resolute has long served as the starting point of the races. Polar Race and Polar Challenge races to the Magnetic North Pole. Or put yourself to the test by renting the snowmobiles to see the wonderful landscapes of the impeccable whiteness.
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Dag 12-17
Resolute, canada
Ankomst: 07:00
Avreise: 18:00
Resolute is the northernmost Inuit settlement in Canada. It is located on the island of Cornwallis, in the autonomous territory of Nunavut in Resolute Bay. It is considered the coldest inhabited settlement in the world, with an annual average of about 16 ° C below zero. It was named in honor of the military ship Resolute in 1947, when it was founded as the headquarters of the airfield and meteorological station.
The city has more than one hundred houses and serves as an example of the daily life of the Inuit, who were relocated here in 1955. You can experience the snow races, because Resolute has long served as the starting point of the races. Polar Race and Polar Challenge races to the Magnetic North Pole. Or put yourself to the test by renting the snowmobiles to see the wonderful landscapes of the impeccable whiteness.
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Dag 18
Croker Bay
Ankomst: 07:00
Avreise: 12:00
Croker Bay is an Arctic waterway in Qikiqtaaluk Region, Nunavut, Canada. It lies off the southern coast of Devon Island in the eastern high Arctic. Like Maxwell Bay to the west, it is an arm of Lancaster Sound and Barrow Strait.
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Dag 18
lancaster sound/dundas harb
Ankomst: 14:00
Avreise: 18:00
Lancaster Sound is a strait that separates the islands of Bylot, Baffin and Somerset from Devon Island in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. As a result of its location in the polar region, about 9-10 months out of the year it is covered by ice allowing navigation only from mid-summer to early snowfall.
The coefficients of the marine currents of the Strait produce very rich nutritive material that supports the very wide biological diversity of many species of birds, mammals and fish.
Lancaster Strait has a unique and varied wildlife, during the summer season it is inhabited, for the most part, by narwhals in the world, a third of all the belugas in North America, and a large number of Greenland whales, in addition to the highest concentration of polar bears in the entire Canadian Arctic and the nesting of one third of all seabirds in eastern Canada. For this reason, the strait has become an independent ecosystem named after him.
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Dag 19
Pond Inlet, Nunavut
Ankomst: 07:00
Avreise: 12:00
As we approach the Inuit town of Pond Inlet, we transit through ice-speckled scenic Eclipse Sound set against the backdrop of the tall glaciated peaks of distant Bylot Island. The town was named in 1818 by explorer Captain John Ross for John Pond, an English astronomer. With over 1,600 inhabitants, Pond Inlet is one of northern Canada’s most interesting, culturally rich and welcoming communities. A walk through town immerses one into the life of the modern Inuit. Caribou antlers and skulls hang from private homes. The hides of seals, caribou and maybe even a polar bear hang on racks drying in the sun. At the local market can be found, parts of seal, whale, caribou and a huge variety of fish. Wooden sledges known as qamutiqs, now towed by snowmobiles rather than dogs, sit idle in front yards awaiting the first snow. At the local museum and cultural center, enjoy a cultural performance showcasing unique Inuit throat-singing with dancers dressed in traditional sealskin anoraks and mukluks.
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Dag 21
Ilulissat (Jakobshavn), Greenland
Ankomst: 07:00
Avreise: 17:00
There is no other place on Earth, other than Ilulissat, Greenland that can define itself by the size and volume of its icebergs. The name Ilulissat, in fact, is the Greenlandic word for 'Iceberg'. This is truly an iceberg paradise! Despite its proximity to huge glaciers, people have lived here in excess of 4,000 years. The modern town of Ilulissat was founded in 1741 by the Danish merchant, Jacob Severin. With a current population of 4,500 it is the third-largest city in Greenland. The narrow inner harbor is lined by a kaleidoscope of colorful houses so typical of Greenlandic villages. The mass and sheer volume of icebergs from nearby Jakobshavn Glacier has made Ilulissat the most popular tourist destination in Greenland. Moving at up to 45 meters (150') per day, when averaged annually, the glacier drains 6.5% of the Greenland ice sheet and produces about 10% of all icebergs. For this reason, Ilulissat Icefjord is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
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Dag 22
sisimiut (holsteinsborg)
Ankomst: 07:00
Avreise: 16:00
Dag 23
nuuk, greenland
Ankomst: 07:00
Avreise: 14:00
Nuuk er hovedstaden og den største byen på Grønland. Det er sete for regjeringen og landets største kulturelle og økonomiske senter. De største byene nærmest hovedstaden er Iqaluit og St. John's i Canada og Reykjavík på Island. Nuuk inneholder nesten en tredjedel av Grønlands befolkning og dens høyeste bygning. Nuuk er også sete for regjeringen i Sermersooq kommune. I januar 2020 hadde byen en befolkning på 18 326.
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Dag 24
Ankomst: 07:00
Avreise: 17:00
Kangerlussuaq er en bosetning i vestlige Grønland i Qeqqata kommune, som ligger ved hodet av fjorden med samme navn. Det er Grønlands hovedtransportknutepunkt for lufttransport og stedet for Grønlands største kommersielle flyplass. Flyplassen stammer fra amerikansk bosetning under og etter andre verdenskrig, da stedet var kjent som Bluie West-8 og deretter Sondrestrom Air Base. Kangerlussuaq-området er også hjemmet til Grønlands mest varierte terrestriske fauna, inkludert moskusokser, karibou og jaktfalker. Bosetningens økonomi og befolkning på 499 er nesten helt avhengig av flyplassen og turistindustrien.
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Dag 27
lady franklin island
Ankomst: 08:00
Avreise: 12:00
Dag 27
monumental island
Ankomst: 13:00
Avreise: 18:00
Dag 34
l''anse aux meadows
Ankomst: 14:30
Avreise: 19:00
Dag 38
halifax, nova scotia
Ankomst: 07:00
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