As the newest ship in the Breakaway class, Norwegian Getaway combines the Norwegian fleet's most popular amenities with The Waterfront, an innovative boardwalk (an industry first) designed specifically to connect guests to the ocean like never before. they had done. Passengers will feel a constant sense of freedom, energy and fun at 678 Ocean Place and will have a unique experience in this unique space. Beginning in early 2014, Norwegian Getaway will sail year-round from Miami to the Eastern Caribbean on 7-night cruises.
Great Stirrup Cay is an island that is part of the Berry Islands in the Bahamas. The northern part of the island has a sandy beach surrounded by rocks with snorkeling areas. The southern part features a helicopter airfield, a large area without vegetation, and numerous concrete blocks. These are all remnants of a previous U.S. military installation and satellite tracking station. The island's lighthouse was originally constructed in 1863 by the Imperial Lighthouse Service. Great Stirrup Cay is adjacent to Little Stirrup Cay,
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Kategorije Norwegian Getaway
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