Welcome to your tour with Europamundo! We’ll transfer you to the hotel and you’ll have some free time. In the afternoon, you’ll find information about the start of your tour on the boards located at the hotel reception.
Lexo më shumë
Lexo më pak
dita 2
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dita 3
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Madrid - San sebastián - Bordeaux
dita 4
Saldremos hacia tierras de Castilla y el País Vasco. En SAN SEBASTIÁN podremos pasear por la playa de la Concha y tomar algún vino en su casco viejo. Paso a Francia. BURDEOS, llegada al final de la tarde. Le sugerimos un paseo por el centro de la ciudad.
Lexo më shumë
Lexo më pak
Bordeaux - Chambord - Paris
dita 5
Tierras de vinos y coñac nos llevan a la Región del Loira. Conocemos CHAMBORD, probablemente el castillo más espectacular del Valle del Loira (entrada incluida al parque). PARÍS, llegada a media tarde.
Lexo më shumë
Lexo më pak
dita 6
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dita 7
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Paris - Bouillon - Luxembourg
dita 8
Viajamos hacia la región productora del Champagne. Entre bonitos pueblos y viñedos llegamos a EPERNAY donde visitamos una bodega de Champagne. Tras ello, seguimos ruta hacia Bélgica. Parada en BOUILLON, pintoresca ciudad de Bélgica donde destaca el inmenso Castillo de Godofredo de Bouillon. Continuación hacia LUXEMBURGO. Tiempo libre en esta capital Europea protegida por barrancos Patrimonio de la Humanidad desde 1994. Alojamiento.
Lexo më shumë
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Luxembourg - Cochem - Cruise on the river rhine - Frankfurt
dita 9
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Frankfurt - Rothenburg - Munich
dita 10
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Munich - Salzburg - St wolfgang - Lake traunsee - Vienna
dita 11
Hoy viajamos a Austria. Conocemos SALZBURGO, la ciudad de Mozart, con su centro renacentista y barroco de gran belleza a la sombra de potente castillo medieval. Continuamos posteriormente nuestra ruta entre lagos y montañas. Etapa de muy gran belleza paisajística en los Alpes; paramos en ST. WOLFGANG, famoso lugar de peregrinación en Austria. Continuamos a TRAUNKIRCHEN junto al hermosísimo lago de TRAUNSEE, incluimos crucero por el lago divisando cuatro castillos y desembarcando en GMUNDEN. Continuación hacia VIENA, llegada al final de la tarde.
Lexo më shumë
Lexo më pak
dita 12
Today, we’ll go on a sightseeing tour of this impressive city with a local expert. We’ll explore its majestic avenues, palaces, and vibrant city center. Next, we’ll head to Schönbrunn Palace, where visitors can stroll around and enjoy its beautiful gardens. In the evening, we’ll visit the City Hall Square where you can experience the nightlife in the nearby streets and have dinner.
Lexo më shumë
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Vienna - Bratislava - Trencin - Krakow
dita 13
A tan solo 65 Km. de Viena se encuentra BRATISLAVA, la capital de Eslovaquia, esta ciudad junto al Danubio tiene un atractivo núcleo histórico. Tras ello pasamos a Chequia. OLOMOUC tiempo para almorzar y conocer esta ciudad Patrimonio de la Humanidad, segunda ciudad de arte de Chequia (tras Praga). Continuamos nuestra ruta hacia Polonia. Llegada a CRACOVIA al final del día.
Lexo më shumë
Lexo më pak
Krakow - Wadowice - Auschwitz - Warsaw
dita 14
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dita 15
We’ll start the day with a panoramic tour of Warsaw with a local guide. Home to nearly two million people, this political and economic hub of Poland boasts a blend of modern architecture and meticulously restored historic buildings. We’ll stroll through the charming old town, featuring many old buildings, the Royal Palace, and cobbled streets, all restored after their destruction in World War II and now declared a World Heritage Site. We’ll visit the Palace of Culture, a skyscraper gifted by the Soviet Union, reflect on the history of what was once the largest Jewish ghetto in Europe, and wander through Lazienki Park, home to the Chopin Monument.You’ll have free time in the afternoon to visit museums, such as the National Museum and the Warsaw Rising Museum, or to explore the lively city center filled with shops and activities.
Lexo më shumë
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Warsaw - Wroclaw - Prague
dita 16
TODAY´S HIGHLIGHTS: Silesian Landscapes.Early departure for the Silesian region. WROCLAW, a gorgeous historic town by Oder River, with its outsanding Market Square. Lunchtime. We will travel to the Czech Republic in the afternoon. Arrival in PRAGUE late in the afternoon.
Lexo më shumë
Lexo më pak
dita 17
Por la mañana incluimos visita panorámica de esta ciudad, una de las más hermosas de Europa, donde destacan el Castillo, la Plaza del Ayuntamiento y el hermoso Puente de Carlos. Finalizamos el día con un traslado nocturno al centro de la ciudad, lugar en el que se ubican muchas tradicionales cervecerías donde podrá usted cenar.
Lexo më shumë
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Prague - Lednice - Budapest
dita 18
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dita 19
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Budapest - Bratislava - Region of carinthia - Venice
dita 20
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dita 21
In the morning, we’ll provide a boat transfer to Venice, a city built on over 100 islands connected by more than 400 bridges. The boat will drop us off at the St. Mark´s area. We’ll go on a walking tour with a local guide through the city of canals (included). Afterwards, you´ll have free time to explore on your own. In the afternoon, you can enjoy an optional gondola ride along the canals.
Lexo më shumë
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Venice - Ravenna - Assisi - Rome
dita 22
Siguiendo la laguna de Venecia, llegamos a RÁVENA donde podemos conocer el Mausoleo de Gala Placidia y la Basílica de San Vital. Tras ello cruzamos los Apeninos hacia ASÍS. Con un guía local conocemos la Basílica de San Francisco. Continuación a ROMA, llegada al final del día.
Lexo më shumë
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dita 23
We´ll include a scenic tour of the capital of Italy, one of the oldest and most influential cities in Western civilization. You´ll see the Colosseum, the Roman forums, the central squares and fountains, and experience the vibrant life of the city. We´ll finish at St. Peter´s Basilica in the Vatican, an independent microstate within Rome and the center of the Catholic Church, where you´ll be able to visit the basilica and museums.In the evening, we´ll include a transfer to Trastevere, a lively neighborhood known for its charming traditional restaurants.
Lexo më shumë
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dita 24
Enjoy a full day of free time to continue exploring the city. Today, we recommend an optional excursion to Naples, Capri, and Pompeii.
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Rome - Florence
dita 25
We´ll journey to Florence, the capital of Tuscany. Upon arrival, we´ll stop at the Michelangelo viewpoint for a photo opportunity, offering one of the most stunning views of the city. Following this, we´ll embark on a sightseeing tour with a local guide of this renowned city, one of Italy´s most visited destinations considered the cradle of the Renaissance and some of the most influential artists and thinkers in history, such as Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Botticelli, and Raphael. Highlights of the tour include the Gothic cathedral Duomo di Firenze, the historic Ponte Vecchio, known for its goldsmith workshops along its paved streets and Piazza della Signoria, the city´s political heart featuring the medieval town hall.
Lexo më shumë
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Florence - Pisa - Sestri levante - Monte carlo - Blue coast
dita 26
Departure from Florence to Pisa, with time to admire its artistic ensemble, including the famous Leaning Tower. The next stage offers extraordinary scenic beauty along the Italian Riviera. We´ll arrive in Sestri Levante, a charming small resort town by the sea. There will be time for lunch and a stroll. We will then continue towards the French Riviera, arriving in Monte Carlo in the mid-afternoon, where you can visit its historic casino. Our journey will proceed to Nice, with arrival around 08:00 p.m.Please note: During this stage of our trip, there may be instances where the guide is not fluent in English.
Lexo më shumë
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Blue coast - Arles - Barcelona
dita 27
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dita 28
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Barcelona - Penedes region - Zaragoza - Madrid
dita 29
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dita 30
After breakfast, our journey will come to an end, leaving you with wonderful lasting memories.
Lexo më shumë
Lexo më pak
Itinerari i turneut Europa Romantica (2025)
Gjuhët udhëzuese
Dita 1: Madridi
Dita 2: Madridi
Dita 3: Madridi
Dita 4: Madridi, San Sebastian, Bordo
Dita 5: Bordo, Chambord, Paris
Dita 6: Paris
Dita 7: Paris
Dita 8: Paris, Mont-de-Marsan, Luksemburgu
Dita 9: Luksemburgu, Cochem, Rin, Frankfurt
Dita 10: Frankfurt, Rottenburg, Mynih
Dita 11: Mynih, Salzburgu, Shën Wolfgang në Salzkammergut, Salzkammergut (Lakes Region), Vjenë
Dita 12: Vjenë
Dita 13: Vjenë, Bratisllava, Trenčín,, Krakov
Dita 14: Krakov, Wadowice, Aushvic, Varshavë
Dita 15: Varshavë
Dita 16: Varshavë, Breslavë, Praga
Dita 17: Praga
Dita 18: Praga, Lednice, Budapest
Dita 19: Budapest
Dita 20: Budapest, Bratisllava, Karinthia, Venecia
Dita 21: Venecia
Dita 22: Venecia, Ravena, Emilia-Romanja, Asizi, Roma
Dita 23: Roma
Dita 24: Roma
Dita 25: Roma, Firence
Dita 26: Firence, Piza, Sestri Levante, Monako, Bregdeti i Kaltër
Dita 27: Bregdeti i Kaltër, Arles, Barcelona
Dita 28: Barcelona
Dita 29: Barcelona, Penedés, Saragosa, Madridi
Dita 30: Madridi
Të përfshira
Europamundo General Services: Travel by bus with Spanish and Portuguese speaking guide, basic travel insurance, hotel and breakfast buffet.
Includes arrival transfer