Do not miss the opportunity to live this experience. The Queen Mary is known as the jewel on the sea, the most splendid ship in the world. At the time Queen Mary was baptized, this was pervaded and catalogued as the ship of the magnificent as on board you can live unforgettable experiences, which will make you happy in the present and also in the future, when you remember them. The most precious feature of it is its interior which you will understand its great appeal: with its 14 spacious decks that make up an environment of unique elegance. Each public area exudes timeless refinement, such as the magnificent Queens Room or the 2-story Britannia Restaurant, whose magnificent staircases and columns perfectly complement its contemporary design and innovative décor. Relaxation, fun and enjoyment will be the start elements of your journey.
巴黎位于塞纳河畔,是法国首都和最大的城市。它是世界上最具标志性的城市之一,被认为是最美丽和最浪漫的城市之一,因此被称为爱之城。巴黎提供历史景点,纪念碑,宜人的氛围,可爱的咖啡馆,公园和博物馆,以满足任何旅客。这座光之城的很大一部分,包括塞纳河,是联合国教科文组织世界遗产。这座城市拥有世界上一些最古老的建筑,如Le Tour Eiffel,NotreDâme,Sacre Coeur,L'Arc de Triomphe,凡尔赛宫,红磨坊或荣军院酒店。在这个城市,你必须看到的事物清单没有结束,但不应错过卢浮宫,这是艺术和文化领域最好的博物馆之一。巴黎在艺术和设计领域仍然具有极大的影响力,是一些最令人印象深刻的现代建筑的所在地,如LaDéfense,蓬皮杜艺术中心,阿拉伯世界研究所或法兰西体育场。巴黎是一个充满活力和美丽的城市,它是一个令人惊叹和迷人的目的地。凭借其历史和建筑遗产,巴黎是每个人都想看到的城市。