Do not miss the opportunity to live this experience. The Queen Mary is known as the jewel on the sea, the most splendid ship in the world. At the time Queen Mary was baptized, this was pervaded and catalogued as the ship of the magnificent as on board you can live unforgettable experiences, which will make you happy in the present and also in the future, when you remember them. The most precious feature of it is its interior which you will understand its great appeal: with its 14 spacious decks that make up an environment of unique elegance. Each public area exudes timeless refinement, such as the magnificent Queens Room or the 2-story Britannia Restaurant, whose magnificent staircases and columns perfectly complement its contemporary design and innovative décor. Relaxation, fun and enjoyment will be the start elements of your journey.
斯塔万格是挪威的第四大城市,近年来已成为挪威的石油之都。尽管北海探险引起了小镇的快速发展,但斯塔万格仍然保留了其古老的魅力,同时提供了您在现代城镇所期望的所有东西。 Vågen港口周围的中心区域通常繁忙,主要是在夏季。有许多酒吧和咖啡馆和吃饭的地方。城镇的老城区Gamle Stavanger是一个可爱的古老房屋,以传统的北欧风格建造。斯塔万格的历史中心包括几个手工作坊和挪威罐头博物馆。据说这个区域有173个白色小屋,其历史可以追溯到1800年代。它是北欧最大的幸存木屋。梦幻般的斯塔万格大教堂位于小镇的中心,位于主要港口和Breiavatnet湖之间。整体方面是罗马式,但东侧显然是哥特式,包括所有特定元素。 Norsk Oljemuseum从其建筑开始展示其有趣的面貌。该博物馆位于海港下方一座令人印象深刻的建筑内,向您展示北海汽油的历史,并深入了解该行业。在中心区域外,有许多公园,开放空间和自行车道,可以探索该地区令人印象深刻的风景。斯塔万格本身有很多活动,有自己的剧院,博物馆和音乐厅。在夏季,各种节日都在举行,镇中心充满活力。
Skjolden is a town in the Norwegian municipality of Luster, located at the end of the Lustrafjord, the innermost arm of the Sognefjord. It has a port, which serves as a stopover point for cruise ships sailing through the fjords of Norway.
The town is located in a natural area of great beauty, the best way to get to know it is by walking through the region, visiting the unique Skåri and Fuglesteg farms, the Urnes and Dale churches, located near the town of Luster. Another option is to see how deer live in the Marås Hjort i Mørkridsdalen park, or go see the impressive Feigumfossen waterfall.
第 5 天
抵达时间: 22:00
Sogn或Sognefjord峡湾(挪威语,Sognefjorden)是挪威最大的峡湾,世界第二大峡湾,仅次于格陵兰斯科斯比。位于该国西部的Sogn og Fjordane省,其河口位于卑尔根以北约75公里,并在斯堪的纳维亚半岛内延伸204公里,到达Skjolden市。 峡湾在海平面以下1,308 m处达到最大深度。最大的深度是内陆:靠近它的嘴,底部陡峭地向着低于海平面约100 m的椅子上升。松恩峡湾主要分支的平均宽度约为4.8公里。峡湾周围的悬崖从水的高度达到1000 m,甚至更高。