Do not miss the opportunity to live this experience. The Queen Mary is known as the jewel on the sea, the most splendid ship in the world. At the time Queen Mary was baptized, this was pervaded and catalogued as the ship of the magnificent as on board you can live unforgettable experiences, which will make you happy in the present and also in the future, when you remember them. The most precious feature of it is its interior which you will understand its great appeal: with its 14 spacious decks that make up an environment of unique elegance. Each public area exudes timeless refinement, such as the magnificent Queens Room or the 2-story Britannia Restaurant, whose magnificent staircases and columns perfectly complement its contemporary design and innovative décor. Relaxation, fun and enjoyment will be the start elements of your journey.
参观哈利法克斯,体验友好和乐观的文化,这个适合步行的城市及其宜人的乡村社区。在哈利法克斯,您可以找到适合家庭,情侣和单身人士的活动!这个地方有各种各样的活动,从户外探险到葡萄酒和美食之旅,如放养当地产品,同时享受新斯科舍省繁华的农贸市场,徒步旅行和骑自行车穿过哈利法克斯最好的一些小径,参观美丽的新星位于哈利法克斯的斯科舍艺术馆(Scotia Art Gallery),供客人参加当地和国际艺术展览,在乡村哈特菲尔德农场(Hatfield Farm)享受旅行车之旅,或参观风景如画的佩吉湾(Peggy's Cove)。