The design and detail with which this ship was created transports us to luxury. Insignia, arrived in the year 20210 to shine, the style of it allows our passengers live this experience in comfort as if they were at home. What it represents, and what happens inside cannot be put into words, that is why we invite you to experience Insignia for yourself.
“Kota Kinabalu被称为Jesselton,是位于马来西亚东部的沙巴州的首府。它也是沙巴西海岸分部的首府。该城市位于婆罗洲西北海岸,面向南中国海。 Tunku Abdul Rahman国家公园位于其西部,京那巴鲁山(Mount Kinabalu)位于其东部。主要的旅游景点•阿特金森钟楼(The Atkinson Clock Tower)•信号山天文台(The Signal Hill Observatory)•绿色连接水族馆(Green Connection Aquarium)。看看婆罗洲的水上野生动物,不离开这个城市。•Tanjung Aru海滩。哥打京那巴鲁最受欢迎的海滩。•Likas Bay海滩•Tunku Abdul Rahman海洋公园。收集了5个岛屿(Gaya,Manukan,Sapi,Sulug和Mamutik)城市的海岸。•双六纪念碑。它是1976年飞机坠毁地点的一个纪念地点,杀死了国家首席部长敦福德斯蒂芬斯和其他国家内阁成员。•哥打京那巴鲁北部海岸包含不受干扰的风景地理特征包括Karambunai和Dalit海滩,这些海滩后面是一个泻湖式河口,包含Mengkabong和Salut河。 “