The design and detail with which this ship was created transports us to luxury. Insignia, arrived in the year 20210 to shine, the style of it allows our passengers live this experience in comfort as if they were at home. What it represents, and what happens inside cannot be put into words, that is why we invite you to experience Insignia for yourself.
Kemi is one of Finland's most picturesque towns, offering a unique blend of modern urban life and the beauty of the natural landscape. With its stunning views of the Bay of Bothnia, well-preserved historic architecture, and vibrant cultural scene, it's a must-visit destination.
第 6 天
抵达时间: 07:00
Discover the allure of the north in Lulea, Sweden. Located in the coastal region of Norrbotten County, Lulea offers a unique blend of natural beauty, rich history, and vibrant culture. As a gateway to the Arctic, it provides a captivating backdrop for an unforgettable travel experience. Start your adventure in the heart of Lulea, at the Gammelstad Church Town, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Explore the collection of more than 400 well-preserved wooden houses that date back to the 15th century. These rustic red cottages are a testament to the city's rich history and the ancient church at the center of town adds to the charm of the place. For nature enthusiasts, Lulea is a paradise. During the summer, the midnight sun shines brightly, offering 24 hours of daylight, perfect for hiking, biking or kayaking around the stunning archipelago consisting of 1,312 islands. Winter transforms Lulea into a snowy wonderland, ideal for dog-sledding, ice-fishing or snowmobile safaris. The frozen sea becomes a playground for ice-skating and the shimmering Northern Lights dance across the sky, creating an ethereal spectacle. The city is also a hub for innovation and technology, being home to the Facebook Data Center. A visit to the Teknikens Hus, one of Sweden's top science centers, is a must for tech-savvy travelers.
抵达时间: 10:30
Discover Sundsvall, a charming town located in the heart of Sweden. With its historic and modern architecture, Sundsvall will captivate you with its Scandinavian charm. Explore the old town with its wooden houses, enjoy its lively nightlife and immerse yourself in the local culture in its museums and art galleries. Surrounded by beautiful natural landscapes, such as mountains and forests, Sundsvall is the ideal destination for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts. Come and discover the magic of Sundsvall!
十年前,游客来到哥本哈根只是因为它的运河,鹅卵石广场,迷人的街道和柔和的彩绘房屋。现在这座城市以其创新设计,尖端建筑和顶级餐厅而闻名。这座历史悠久的运河城市已经成为时尚,国际化和令人兴奋的城市,同时又不失其古老的魅力。这座城市传奇海滨的Nyhavn童话般的港口是哥本哈根最传统的景点,游客可以在这里欣赏鹅卵石街道和色彩缤纷的房屋,与Langelinje码头形成鲜明对比,Langelinje码头是该市最着名的景点The Little Mermaid所在地。沿着Langelinje码头漫步,现代歌剧院出现在地平线上,将游客带回21世纪。这座城市的另一个新的海滨地标是Black Diamond娱乐中心,是游览这个以游客为中心的小型旅游中心的另一个原因。该建筑本身令人惊叹,提供了一个独特的机会,可以在躺椅上休息,俯瞰水面。这个城市最酷的两个地区是Veesterbro和Norrebro,远离成群的游客。这些充满活力的社区将让最具冒险精神的旅客与当地人融为一体,体验Norrebro食品大厅,有盖食品市场或Ralea餐厅等热闹的氛围,Ralea餐厅是当地厨师下班后送餐的地方。哥本哈根最时尚的时尚酒吧,设计商店和餐馆,游客可以在这里体验城市的烹饪革命,距离市中心仅有地铁车程。克里斯蒂安港(Christianshavn)较少旅行的岛屿社区提供宁静的住宅生活和运河边漫步。它也是克里斯蒂安娜的“自由小镇”的所在地,克里斯蒂安娜是一个多彩的替代社区,由嬉皮士在20世纪70年代建造,与画廊和咖啡馆一起闪耀,并有自己严格的规则。哥本哈根干净,安全且易于了解。它也是欧洲最环保的城市之一,其公共交通将令纽约绿色羡慕。它的中心专供行人使用,并实施严格的反污染法律。这是一个环境田园诗般的地方,拥有充足的绿地,自行车往往超过汽车,所以要小心踩到自行车道。漫步于世界着名的蒂沃利游乐园和城市宜人的植物园,或在夏季与当地人一起前往路边的咖啡馆和餐馆。无论你决定在丹麦首都做什么,无论你是在挖掘设计和用餐,还是在奇迹中徘徊,哥本哈根都会像警笛一样召唤你。
第 13 天
copenhagen, denmark
抵达时间: 00:00
十年前,游客来到哥本哈根只是因为它的运河,鹅卵石广场,迷人的街道和柔和的彩绘房屋。现在这座城市以其创新设计,尖端建筑和顶级餐厅而闻名。这座历史悠久的运河城市已经成为时尚,国际化和令人兴奋的城市,同时又不失其古老的魅力。这座城市传奇海滨的Nyhavn童话般的港口是哥本哈根最传统的景点,游客可以在这里欣赏鹅卵石街道和色彩缤纷的房屋,与Langelinje码头形成鲜明对比,Langelinje码头是该市最着名的景点The Little Mermaid所在地。沿着Langelinje码头漫步,现代歌剧院出现在地平线上,将游客带回21世纪。这座城市的另一个新的海滨地标是Black Diamond娱乐中心,是游览这个以游客为中心的小型旅游中心的另一个原因。该建筑本身令人惊叹,提供了一个独特的机会,可以在躺椅上休息,俯瞰水面。这个城市最酷的两个地区是Veesterbro和Norrebro,远离成群的游客。这些充满活力的社区将让最具冒险精神的旅客与当地人融为一体,体验Norrebro食品大厅,有盖食品市场或Ralea餐厅等热闹的氛围,Ralea餐厅是当地厨师下班后送餐的地方。哥本哈根最时尚的时尚酒吧,设计商店和餐馆,游客可以在这里体验城市的烹饪革命,距离市中心仅有地铁车程。克里斯蒂安港(Christianshavn)较少旅行的岛屿社区提供宁静的住宅生活和运河边漫步。它也是克里斯蒂安娜的“自由小镇”的所在地,克里斯蒂安娜是一个多彩的替代社区,由嬉皮士在20世纪70年代建造,与画廊和咖啡馆一起闪耀,并有自己严格的规则。哥本哈根干净,安全且易于了解。它也是欧洲最环保的城市之一,其公共交通将令纽约绿色羡慕。它的中心专供行人使用,并实施严格的反污染法律。这是一个环境田园诗般的地方,拥有充足的绿地,自行车往往超过汽车,所以要小心踩到自行车道。漫步于世界着名的蒂沃利游乐园和城市宜人的植物园,或在夏季与当地人一起前往路边的咖啡馆和餐馆。无论你决定在丹麦首都做什么,无论你是在挖掘设计和用餐,还是在奇迹中徘徊,哥本哈根都会像警笛一样召唤你。