This beautiful ship, built in 2020, offers a unique and incomparable experience, as well as details that make it incomparable. The Enchanted Princess has capacity for 3,660 travelers in its 1,539 cabins, 724 of which have a balcony, from which you can enjoy watching the sunrise, sunset or simply have a conversation first thing in the morning with the spectacular views that your balcony offers. The Enchanted Princess has a huge balcony overlooking the sea from the upper Sky deck, where you can relax in private or celebrate your own events. It also has new amd refreshing spaces such as additional jacuzzis and large swimming pools.
直布罗陀,俗称岩石,是坐落在地中海入口处的英国海外领土。今天,直布罗陀享有世界上独一无二的习俗,丰富多彩的语言和宗教宽容。其中一个更重要的旅游景点是山墙上的自然保护区,您可以从Alameda Grand Parade乘坐。直布罗陀在一年中的任何时候都拥有令人难以置信的丰富和充满惊喜的植物,其中许多都是该地区的原生植物,岩猿,直布罗陀湾的海豚以及包括飞行员在内的其他海洋哺乳动物海峡鲸鱼,虎鲸甚至更大的物种,如抹香鲸
劳德代尔堡位于佛罗里达州的大西洋沿岸。它是布劳沃德县的县城。这个城市是一个热门的旅游目的地。主要旅游景点 - 劳德代尔堡海滩。 - Downtown / Las Olas Blvd.娱乐区沿Las Olas Boulevard大道向东西延伸。 - 威尔顿庄园是一个被劳德代尔堡环绕的城市。繁忙的市中心是威尔顿大道。