The Seven Sea Mariner was presented as one of the few so-called luxury ships. Being small in size, she preserves the privacy and privilege of those who sail on board. All cabins are Suites with a balcony, spacious and equipped to make you feel at home.
Pago Pago is the capital of American Samoa and the largest port in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. It is located in the deep bay with the same name on the south coast of Tutuila Island. The abyssal port of Pago Pago is located in the closed natural bay, which is protected from the northern winds by the mountains. The establishment was originally founded as a US naval base. Today it has become a playground paradise. The city will delight you with its wonderful beaches, pleasant sun and crystal clear waters. Also it has many places of interest, such as the Jean P. Haydon Museum, which contains a collection of the history and ethnography of the islands, the Parliament Building, the city market, which always has fresh bananas, coconuts and breadfruit fruits. To the north of the city rises Mount Alava, which is part of the National Park of American Samoa.
奥克兰是波利尼西亚和新西兰最大的都市区,也是一个充满多元文化影响的充满活力的城市。它位于两个天然港口之间,Waitemata港口和Manukau港口,被称为帆船之城,因为它拥有世界上人均船只数量最多的港口。在市中心,有许多画廊,博物馆,剧院,时尚酒吧和顶级餐厅,提供各种美食。 Skytower主宰着城市的天际线,可以欣赏到城市的壮观景色。商业中心区皇后街(Queen Street)从怀特玛塔港(Waitemata Harbour)开始,以虚拟直线行驶近3公里。从市中心出发,您可以步行前往奥克兰域和博物馆,阿尔伯特公园,帕内尔,一个可爱的历史区,以及拥有众多商店的纽马克特。从那里到山不远。伊甸园及其令人印象深刻的火山口,以及位于着名的One Tree Hill山脚下的康沃尔公园。 One Tree Hill,一座死火山锥和古老的毛利人定居点,可以欣赏到这座庞大城市的壮丽全景。奥克兰国际化和迷人,交通便利,美丽,有很多活动。它肯定是新西兰最具活力的城市。
第 20 天
auckland, new zealand
抵达时间: 00:00
奥克兰是波利尼西亚和新西兰最大的都市区,也是一个充满多元文化影响的充满活力的城市。它位于两个天然港口之间,Waitemata港口和Manukau港口,被称为帆船之城,因为它拥有世界上人均船只数量最多的港口。在市中心,有许多画廊,博物馆,剧院,时尚酒吧和顶级餐厅,提供各种美食。 Skytower主宰着城市的天际线,可以欣赏到城市的壮观景色。商业中心区皇后街(Queen Street)从怀特玛塔港(Waitemata Harbour)开始,以虚拟直线行驶近3公里。从市中心出发,您可以步行前往奥克兰域和博物馆,阿尔伯特公园,帕内尔,一个可爱的历史区,以及拥有众多商店的纽马克特。从那里到山不远。伊甸园及其令人印象深刻的火山口,以及位于着名的One Tree Hill山脚下的康沃尔公园。 One Tree Hill,一座死火山锥和古老的毛利人定居点,可以欣赏到这座庞大城市的壮丽全景。奥克兰国际化和迷人,交通便利,美丽,有很多活动。它肯定是新西兰最具活力的城市。