The Seven Sea Splendor, built in 2020, has come not only to stay, but also to surprise and transport you to a place with infinite possibilities on the sea. Its advanced digital technology, its breadth and the options you will find on board, will make your cruise a tailor-made trip. The aim of this creation has been to achieve perfection and luxury. You will find beautiful and majestic restaurants and lounges, as well as more spacious and comfortable suites. Don't wait for others to tell you!
萨尔瓦多位于Todos os Santos湾,是巴西巴伊亚州的首府。萨尔瓦多是巴西的第一个首都,其重要性的痕迹在该市的历史区可见。萨尔瓦多是一个繁华,充满活力和美丽的殖民城镇,拥有许多景点和独特的魅力。 Pelourinho是联合国教科文组织世界遗产,是萨尔瓦多迷人的老城区,可以让您一窥萨尔瓦多的早期历史。在这个地区,您可以探索前奴隶市场和颈托式,巴洛克式教堂和殖民时期建筑的遗址。同样来自殖民时代的是巴拉灯塔(Tower of Barra),这座城市中约有15个堡垒之一。萨尔瓦多是巴西丰富多彩的历史中心 - 非洲 - 巴西文化,非洲文化是这个城市的重要组成部分,其食物,音乐和宗教传统也很明显。有许多terreiros,广泛实行的非洲裔Candomblé宗教的寺庙,分散在整个城市。大多数terreiros将允许游客参加他们的仪式。最好的萨尔瓦多是在日常生活中,在沙滩上散步,品尝美味的食物,欣赏日落,享受其独特的文化。萨尔瓦多拥抱你并且不让你离开,所以请自担风险。