埃克斯茅斯是位于西澳大利亚州西北角的一个小镇。该镇位于州首府珀斯以北1,270公里(789英里),距达尔文西南3,366公里(2,092英里)。该镇成立于1967年,以支持附近的美国海军通信站Harold E. Holt。从20世纪70年代末开始,该镇开始接待分配给Learmonth Solar Observatory的美国空军人员,这是一个与澳大利亚电离层预测服务机构联合运作的国防科学设施。
Kuri Bay is a remote coastal bay in the far north of Western Australia in the Kimberley region, about 370 km (230 mi) north of Broome. The closest main town is Derby, 223 km (139 mi) southwest of the bay. The bay opens directly into the Indian Ocean, and Augustus Island is located just off-shore from the bay. The bay is part of the Prince Regent National Park and the Kunmunya Aboriginal Reserve. It is the home to Australia's first cultured pearl farm.