Do not miss the opportunity to live this experience. The Queen Mary is known as the jewel on the sea, the most splendid ship in the world. At the time Queen Mary was baptized, this was pervaded and catalogued as the ship of the magnificent as on board you can live unforgettable experiences, which will make you happy in the present and also in the future, when you remember them. The most precious feature of it is its interior which you will understand its great appeal: with its 14 spacious decks that make up an environment of unique elegance. Each public area exudes timeless refinement, such as the magnificent Queens Room or the 2-story Britannia Restaurant, whose magnificent staircases and columns perfectly complement its contemporary design and innovative décor. Relaxation, fun and enjoyment will be the start elements of your journey.
加的斯位于西班牙南部的安达卢西亚地区。它的海岸线是 Costa de la Luz(光明海岸)的一部分,拥有众多金色沙滩,从市区的海滩到广阔的、几乎未受破坏的沙滩,应有尽有。在内部,强烈推荐流行的白色村庄路线。
它拥有三个国际旅游节:著名的加的斯狂欢节、桑卢卡尔德巴拉梅达海滩上独特的赛马活动,以及赫雷斯德拉弗龙特拉优雅的赛马会。该省的一部分也位于 Doñana 国家公园内,在加的斯独特的自然环境中还有另外五个自然保护区。
加的斯也以其美味的美食而闻名,尤其是其“pescaíto frito”(完美油炸的各种鲜鱼拼盘)和贝类,与马尔科德赫雷斯地区的葡萄酒和白兰地路线上的葡萄酒完美搭配.