The design and detail with which this ship was created, transports us to the luxury of simplicity, and the elegance of the combination of wood, marble and carpets, a style that leads our passengers to live this experience in more than just comfort, you will feel like you are at home. The Queens Room is the heart of the ship, where you can enjoy the famous afternoon tea, dance the night away or have fencing lessons. You can also purchase a private seat inside the Royal Court Theater or relax in the Winter Garden, where interiors meet exteriors, especially when the glass roof is opened on sunny days. Elegance is named after Queen Victoria.
聖馬丁是位於加勒比海東北部的一個島嶼,大約在波多黎各東邊300公里處。它是兩個國家分治的最小的有人居住的海島,分治的歷史可以追溯到1648年。南部的荷蘭區域包括荷屬聖馬丁,是組成荷蘭王國的四個構成國之一。北部的法國區域包括聖馬丁集體(Collectivité de Saint-Martin),是法國的海外集體。