In 1998, this beautiful cruise ship named Nautica appeared on the scene. The exhilarating variety of on board entertainment options are guaranteed. Enjoy the nightly musical shows, live music and take care of yourself in our Spa and with our treatments. You will return home refreshed, fascinated and eager to repeat.
在阿德利主街的 SA 文化历史博物馆旁,在绿色集市广场周围漫步或穿过布满松鼠的花园。市政厅阴影下的滨海大道是政治集会的舞台,也是出售从食品到衣服等各种商品的市场。好望角城堡俯瞰滨海大道,是南非最古老的殖民建筑。 Bo Kaap 是开普敦最古老的住宅区之一,是一个独特的社区,拥有深厚的文化和社会历史。参观诺贝尔广场,观看对四位南非诺贝尔和平奖获得者的纪念。开普敦拥有非洲一些最好的海滩,所有这些海滩都拥有开普敦特有的干净的白色沙滩。
Porto Grande Bay, also Mindelo Bay, is a bay on the north coast of the island of São Vicente, Cape Verde. The main city of São Vicente, Mindelo, is situated at the bay. The Porto Grande Bay is a natural harbour. It stretches between the headlands Ponta João Ribeiro in the northeast and Ponta do Morro Branco in the west. To the northwest it opens towards the Canal de São Vicente, the channel between the islands São Vicente and Santo Antão. The small rocky islet Ilhéu dos Pássaros lies north of the bay.
第 21 天
santa cruz de la palma
抵達時間: 07:00
拉帕尔马岛是一个小岛,拥有各种各样的城镇、村庄和风景区。从南点的火山到 Roque de Los Muchachos 的壮丽景色,从宁静的 Puntagorda 和 El Tablado 到繁忙的 Santa Cruz 和 Los Llanos 城镇。
Los Llanos de Aridana 是该岛西海岸最大的城镇。该镇结合了现代化的基础设施和古老的魅力。