From the first moment you arrive, you will appreciate that sailing aboard The Regatta is a unique experience worthy of repeating. Get together with friends over cocktails at Martinis and share the adventures you enjoyed on the coast. In the afternoon, play bridge or simply relax alone in one of the many private havens reserved just for you. The exhilarating variety of entertainment options on board will not leave you indifferent. Fulfilling your dreams is possible aboard the Regatta, don't wait any longer to check it out.
Bora Bora是法屬波利尼西亞社會群島的背風群島中的一個島嶼,是法國在太平洋的海外集體。該島位於帕皮提西北部,被潟湖和珊瑚礁環繞。在島的中心是一座已經滅絕的火山遺跡,升至兩個峰,帕希亞山和奧特馬努山,最高點為727米。Bora Bora是一個主要的國際旅遊目的地,以其以水為中心的豪華度假村而聞名。主要的定居點,瓦伊塔佩,位於主島的西側,與進入潟湖的主要通道相對。
實際上,Bora Bora島是一個火山口。除了潟湖表面下的景色外,高達海平面728米的奧特馬努山的主導和不尋常的形狀,以及它的小鄰居帕希亞山也是值得一看的景點。