The Seven Sea Explorer, built in 2016, exceeds the expectations of any traveller. Inside you will be able to perceive the innovation and modernity that characterizes it. You will also be able to find spaces in which to meet, eat, talk and relax, all without losing sight of the sea views. You can also count on the outdoor space of the pool to have a drink and be attended to by attentive professionals. We are waiting for you on board to accompany you in this unforgettable experience.
Dunedin is the second-largest city in the South Island of New Zealand (after Christchurch), and the principal city of the Otago region. With an estimated population of 102,400 as of June 2022, Dunedin is New Zealand's seventh-most populous urban area. For historic, cultural and geographic reasons the city has long been considered one of New Zealand's four main centres. Archaeological evidence points to lengthy occupation of the area by Māori prior to the arrival of Europeans. Today Dunedin has a diverse economy which includes manufacturing, publishing, arts, tourism and technology-based industries. The mainstay of the city's economy remains centered around tertiary education, with students from the University of Otago, New Zealand's oldest university, and the Otago Polytechnic, accounting for a large proportion of the population.
第 11 天
hobart, tasmania
抵達時間: 07:00
第 12 天
burnie, tasmania
抵達時間: 11:00
melbourne, australia
抵達時間: 11:00
整个城市有许多美丽的建筑例子,例如现代而充满活力的天际线。墨尔本的一些主要景点包括令人惊叹的植物园、被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产的皇家展览大楼、宏伟的圣公会圣保罗大教堂和墨尔本最著名的地标之一——纪念神殿。 St Kilda 是墨尔本的波西米亚街区。在这里您会发现阳光明媚的海滩和一流的餐厅、酒吧和夜生活场所。就在墨尔本郊外,我们有壮观的十二使徒岩,这是海岸边独特的岩层。