Gran Aventura China
ابتداء من 1.463 €

Gran Aventura China

تعدد النسل
تاريخ الإنشاء: الخميس، 2024/07/11 - تاريخ الإقلاع: الاثنين، 2025/02/10
الرقم المرجعي: 6133265
السعر للفرد ابتداء من
1.463 €
تقييم/تقييمات ٢ راشدونs
تاريخ الإنشاء: الخميس، 2024/07/11 - تاريخ الإقلاع: الاثنين، 2025/02/10
الوجهات: بكين, شيان, تشنغدو, قويلين, شانغهاي


جدولك اليومي

10 فبراير
1. بكين
البقاء من
عن الوجهة: Situated in northern China, Beijing is the capital of the People's Republic of China, the most populous country in the world. With a population of over 21million people, it is the nation's second-largest city after Shanghai. Beijing is a modern city of impressive new urban and commercial developments that looks towards the future but it is intrinsically linked to its imperial past. Beijing is renowned for its lavish palaces, ancient temples, and huge stone walls and gates. Its art treasures and important government and cultural institutions have long made the city a center of culture and art in China. The heart of the city and most important landmark is Tiananmen Square, the world's largest public square. The Tiananmen Gate separates the square from the Forbidden Palace, one of the city’s must-sees. The Forbidden Palace was the imperial palace during the Ming and Qing dynasties. Today it is known as the Palace museum and is one of the wonders of ancient China. Other Beijing’s main attractions are The Temple of Heaven, the Summer Palace and the ancient alleyway neighborhoods, where you can find traditional Beijing architecture, called Hutongs. Beijing is a good base to visit some of China’s major landmarks such as the Great Wall of China and the Ming Tombs. Some great world famous cultural and heritage sites, a thriving nightlife, great sporting facilities given as a legacy from the 2008 Olympic Games, great food such as Peking Duck, and good entertainment options like the Beijing Opera, make Beijing a fascinating city offering a lot to visitors.
المزيد من المعلومات
10 فبراير
14 فبراير
النقل من بكين إلى شيان
China Eastern Airlines
China Eastern Airlines China Eastern Airlines - MU2108
12:45 - Beijing , Beijing Daxing International Airport (PKX)
14:45 - Xi'an, Xianyang (XIY)
2ساعة 0دقيقة 20 KG مباشر
نقل:  MU2108
درجة المقصورة: Economy
14 فبراير
2. شيان
البقاء من
عن الوجهة: Xi’an is a historic city in Shaanxi Province in China. Xi’an lies in the central part of Guanzhong Plain between the Wei River to the north and the Qinling Mountain to the south. It is a harmonious town, where tradition and modernity stand side by side. Xi’an has immense historical significance and it houses some of the famous China attractions and some of the most important archaeological sites in China. The city was the capital for 13 dynasties, and a total of 73 emperors ruled here, with so much history within the ground the city lies upon, it is no wonder that there are so many historical ruins, museums and cultural relics to be found here. The most important sites to visit in Xi’an are the City Wall of Xi'an, the world's largest city wall, the Grand Mosque and the historic Qin Terra Cotta Warriors. But the city is filled with historical relics with 72 tombs of Emperors and palaces, temples and multiple other reminders of the past. Other notable sites in and around Xi'an include the Large and Small Wild Goose Pagodas, which were built in the Tang Dynasty. Xi'an is also home to one of China's best museums, the Shaanxi History Museum, which contains an outstanding collection of artifacts from the various early dynasties that ruled China.
المزيد من المعلومات
14 فبراير
17 فبراير
النقل من شيان إلى تشنغدو
Sichuan Airlines
Sichuan Airlines Sichuan Airlines - 3U8354
07:20 - Xi'an, Xianyang (XIY)
09:05 - Chengdu, Shuangliu (CTU)
1ساعة 45دقيقة 20 KG مباشر
نقل:  3U8354
درجة المقصورة: Economy
17 فبراير
3. تشنغدو
البقاء من
عن الوجهة: Chengdu is the provincial capital and largest city of Sichuan Province in southwest China. Chengdu is located on the edge of the fertile plains of the Red Basin in China's Sichuan Province. Due to its agricultural wealth, Chengdu is sometimes called the "Land of Milk and Honey". The Funan River bisects the city. The most important attractions in Chengdu are the West Pearl Tower, the Kuanzhaixiangzi area, Tianfu Square, Sichuan Opera, the Wenshu Temple and the Chengdu Panda Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding. Chengdu has the reputation as a very laid-back city that emphasizes culture and relaxation and as a result of this and much green space is ranked one of the most livable mega-cities in China. It is credited with a good nightlife scene and contains many new western style buildings in the large city center.
المزيد من المعلومات
17 فبراير
19 فبراير
النقل من تشنغدو إلى قويلين
Sichuan Airlines
Sichuan Airlines Sichuan Airlines - 3U6761
19:55 - Chengdu, Chengdu-Tianfu International Airport (TFU) مطار بديل
21:35 - Guilin, Liangjiang (KWL)
1ساعة 40دقيقة 20 KG مباشر
نقل:  3U6761
درجة المقصورة: Economy
19 فبراير
4. قويلين
البقاء من
عن الوجهة: Guilin is a city in North Guangxi and one of the best-known tourist destinations in China. Located on the west bank of the beautiful Li River, Guilin is a scenic town and a modern, organized, and very tourist oriented city. The city is encircled by green hills, rocky cliffs, clear waters, mysterious caves and rocks of various shapes. The city of Guilin has enjoyed the reputation of having the country's most beautiful scenery for hundreds of years. The Li River winds through the rising and falling hills and peaks like a colored silk ribbon. A cruise on the river is the perfect way to enjoy and explore the unique scenery around Guilin, which is considered to be a fine art gallery as natural scenic wonders unfold on both banks of the river. Guilin's unique scenery is considered by many as “the finest under heaven". In the city, make sure to visit the Central Square, the Jingjiang Prince City and the Moon and Sun Pagoda. Guilin is a fairly clean and modern Chinese city, with many pleasant diversions and spectacular and unique scenery.
المزيد من المعلومات
19 فبراير
21 فبراير
النقل من قويلين إلى شانغهاي
Air China
Air China Air China - CA8570
22:35 - Guilin, Liangjiang (KWL)
00:40 - Shanghai, Pudong (PVG)
+١{1} 2ساعة 5دقيقة 20 KG مباشر
نقل:  CA8570
درجة المقصورة: Economy
21 فبراير
5. شانغهاي
البقاء من
عن الوجهة: Shanghai is modern city located just south of the mouth of the mighty Yangtze River and split in two by the Huangpu River. It is one of China's largest metropolis and it is considered the most cosmopolitan, sophisticated and progressive city in mainland China. Shanghai is a good place to visit if you want to catch a glimpse of the future of China. A whole new city of skyscrapers has been built in its Pudong district, including the Oriental Pearl Tower, which has become one of the city’s landmarks and is one of the tallest structures in Asia and the Shanghai World Financial Center, the third largest building in Asia and the world. At the west side of the Yangzi River is Puxi area, the older central part of the city. Puxi has very rich history and is here where you will encounter many of the city’s old buildings and attractions, such as the French Concession, the Bund, the Yuyuan Garden, the Jiu Qu Bridge, the Huxin Pavilion and the Temple. Shanghai is China’s cosmopolitan hub of finance and culture. Shanghai has a special oriental charm and a fresh western style that appeal to everyone. And it is also a good base to explore the more rural and classical sights of nearby Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces.
المزيد من المعلومات
21 فبراير
السعر للفرد ابتداء من
1.463 €
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الوجهات 5
نقل 4
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