The Grand Princess, built in 1998, has the capacity to accommodate 2,600 passengers with 700 cabins that have a balcony, from which you can enjoy watching the sunrise, sunset or simply have a conversation first thing in the morning with the spectacular views that your balcony offers you. The Grand Princess has facilities for travelers of all ages, such as swimming pools, youth programs or the great gastronomic variety that you can enjoy, do not wait to discover these delights.
Vancouver er en kystnær havneby på fastlandet af British Columbia, Canada. Vancouver er den ottende største canadiske kommune og en af de mest etnisk og sprogligt forskelligartede byer i Canada. Udforsk de brostensbelagte gader, shopping, spisesteder og unikke arkitektur i Gastown, et nationalt historisk sted. Vancouver huser det næststørste Chinatown i Nordamerika efter San Francisco. Det har mange unikke, såvel som traditionelle butikker. Granville Island er en populær halvø forbundet til Vancouver. Med sit farverige marked, er det et trækplaster blandt både lokale og besøgende. Vancouver ville ikke være det samme uden Stanley Park, en af de store byparker. Det er en perfekt byflugt. Med udsigt over Vancouver by, har Grouse Mountain vinterski og endda et fremragende dyrelivsreservat. Vancouver er vokset til en kosmopolitisk by beliggende i den store natur. Nyd de sneklædte bjerge, vandkantskove, bystrande, olympisk historie og verdens højeste hængebro.
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Dag 3
ketchikan, alaska
Ankomst: 06:00
Afgang: 14:00
Dag 4
juneau, alaska
Ankomst: 09:00
Afgang: 21:00
Dag 5
skagway, alaska
Ankomst: 07:00
Afgang: 20:30
Dag 6
glacier bay nat''l park, ak
Ankomst: 06:00
Afgang: 15:00
Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve is a National Park of the United States, located on the coast of the Pacific Ocean, in Alaska. Several cruise companies that navigate these waters of Alaska, offer the possibility of visiting this natural space World Heritage Site. Ships often dock at Sea Wolf Adventures docks.
The main attraction of the park is the nature, lush coniferous forests, where we can find packs of wolves, and solitary brown bears, and with a bit of luck we can see the majestic bald eagle fly.
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Dag 7
college fjord - cruising
Ankomst: 18:00
Afgang: 20:30
College Fjord is a fjord located in the north of Prince William Sound, of the North American state of Alaska. The fjord contains five Tidewater glaciers (glaciers that have a part submerged in water), five large valley glaciers, and dozens of small glaciers, most named after the colleges, which founded the discovery and exploration of the fjord in 1899 .
College Fjord was discovered by the Harriman expedition, which included Harvard and Amherst professors, who named the glaciers after well-known colleges.
There is a place, from which it is possible to see eight glaciers of College Fjord at once.
It is a very popular tourist destination, an idyllic place to experience kayak trips, enjoying the landscape of the area, which is sculpted by fascinating glaciers, steep cliffs and forests, which rise above the water.
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Dag 8
Whittier, AK
Ankomst: 00:30
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Ombordstigning og landing
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