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Seven Hills Camping & Village
Rezervirajte sobe
Seven Hills Camping & Village

O hotelu


Tripadvisor 6/10
Expedia 5,4/10

Glavne usluge

pristup internetu

* Neke usluge mogu se dodatno naplaćivati.

Recenzije gostiju

Osoblje i služba6/10
Imovinski uvjeti i objekti5/10

2 / 10

None of the amenities worked or open. Pool was closed. Nothing in the rooms ie kettle. Transport is very poor. Not great and would not return. Shame as could be a beautiful place to stay if they put more thought and care into this place.
9 ruj 2024

8 / 10

All was fine no issues during are stay thank you. Very good for price. Free pool was ok for price. Extra charge for larger pool was reasonable and children enjoyed Thank you
19 kol 2024

6 / 10

The property was perfect for camping. I got a mini chalet. This was great for the night. I will say this though. It is not easily accessible by foot. It says 26 minutes, but there is no way that was true. It took me over an hour and there were several hills on the route. I also arrived after dark so there were no taxis or shuttles. it was hard to find the reception desk. I do wish the reception was closer to the entrance, as you have to walk down a hill and around a curve before reaching it. If you have a car, this place is perfectly nice and accessible. The staff was very very nice. I do wish also they had posted the shuttle schedule prior to reserving the place. I took a picture of it, if I can figure out how to add pics I will.
24 tra 2024

8 / 10

Cool experience
The camping village was super cute! There are two restaurants on property, however we were there on Easter sunday and they were both closed. There must have been some miscommunication since the lady at the front desk told us they were open. However, she was super nice and friendly and got us a ride into town when we told her we weren’t able to go to the restaurants on site. The closest train station is in the town about a 30 minute walk from the campground. However, there is a shuttle that runs between 8-11am and 6-8pm which is only €1.50 to take that takes you to and from the train station. From the station it is only a 25min €1 train into rome. The hut we were in had a radiator which was a nice touch. The beds however were pretty uncomfortable and we could feel the springs in our back. The shared bathrooms were decent. Keep in mind when booking that this is a campground! It was nice to be outside of rome and definitely a cool experience!
9 tra 2024

Informacije o području

Rim, Italija
Moderno i staro, prošlost i sadašnjost idu ruku pod ruku, cijelo vrijeme. Bilo da ste u Rimu 3 dana, 3 tjedna ili 3 mjeseca, budite spremni zakoračiti u najveći svjetski muzej na otvorenom. Rim će vas zavesti i teško će vas ostaviti ravnodušnima. Iznenadit će vas, jer ima toliko toga za ponuditi svakom posjetitelju, a njegova ljepota je samo blago zamagljena prolaskom vremena. Rim je jedan od najfotogeničnijih gradova na svijetu - nije iznenađujuće kada se sjetite što se sve ovdje nalazi - Vatikan, Fontana di Trevi, Trg sv. Petra, Španjolske stube, Koloseum... Bilo da provodite vrijeme razgledavajući, ili lenčarite u kafićima promatrajući svijet kako prolazi, doći će vaš red da se nađete u vlastitom Rimskom odmoru. Ako možete planirati boravak dug kao tjedan dana, nećete ostati bez stvari za raditi i još uvijek ćete imati osjećaj da odlazite prebrzo.

Što je u blizini

  • Marcelo Theater - 0.28 km
  • Piazza Venezia - 0.35 km
  • Colina Capitolina - 0.37 km
  • Foro Traiano - 0.39 km
  • Santa Maria Sopra Minerva - 0.47 km
  • Pantheon - 0.5 km


  • (ROM) Roma, Rome, IT - 11,67 km
  • rome ostiense railway stn, it - 11,97 km
  • rome tiburtina railway stn, it - 11,97 km
  • roma, roma termini, it - 12,42 km
  • rome, civitavecchia harbour, it - 52,83 km

Važne informacije

Broj dozvole za smještaj
