Sunclub Salou, PortAventura, Spain
Iz 280 €
PortAventura, Španjolska

Sunclub Salou, PortAventura, Spain

Stvoreno: četvrtak, 11. srpnja 2024. - Odlazak: srijeda, 1. siječnja 2025.
Ref ID: 5437174
cijena po osobi Iz
280 €
Na temelju 2 odrasli i3 djeca
Stvoreno: četvrtak, 11. srpnja 2024. - Odlazak: srijeda, 1. siječnja 2025.

O gradu

PortAventura World je zabavni resort na jugu Katalonije, u Salouu, Tarragoni, Španjolska; na Costa Dauradi. Izgrađen je oko tematskog parka PortAventura, koji privlači oko 4 milijuna posjetitelja godišnje, čime je postao najposjećeniji tematski park u Španjolskoj. PortAventura Park je također 6. najposjećeniji tematski park u Europi. Resort će od 2017. uključivati drugi tematski park, Ferrari Land, a uključuje i Costa Caribe Aquatic Park i šest hotela. To je najveći resort na jugu Europe. Ima dvije zračne luke unutar 30 minuta od njega, uključujući zračnu luku Reus. Postoji željeznička stanica za PortAventura koja ima veze s Barcelonom i Salouom.
Više informacija

Uključene usluge

01 sij
4 Noćima
PortAventura Hotel Gold River + Ticket Included 8,1 Vrlo dobro
SALOU - do 2,5 km od centraSAMO SOBAAVD ALCALDE PERE MOLAS, S/N, SALOU 43840 Habitación Familiar, 2 adultos y 3 niños (entradas incluidas Port Aventura y 1 entrada Ferrari Land) Besplatno otkazivanje
More than just a hotel, Gold River recreates a whole town that rose up with the settlement of the first gold prospectors. This town contains various shops, a grocery store, a train station, bars, a school, wooden bungalows. . . and all these buildings house the rooms that make up the hotel. This hotel, located inside PortAventura Park, has unlimited access to PortAventura Park throughout the stay and 1-day access to Ferrari Land included per stay and person (according to parks opening dates and times), discount on Caribe Aquatic Park tickets, preferential booking for table service restaurants in the parks via the hotel's Guest Service Desk and Pick-Up service at PortAventura Park and Ferrari Land shops. The hotel features 3 swimming pools, a 24 hour reception service, bars, restaurant, shops and a snack bar in the pool area. In addition, in relation to the new benefit for guests staying at Far West hotels, between 10 July and 11 September, you will have early access to the new ride Uncharted: The Enigma of Penitence, 2 hours before PortAventura Park opens! From 08:30 until 10:30.
cijena po osobi Iz
280 €
Na temelju 2 odrasli i3 djeca

Cijena za članove od 280 €

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