The Seven Sea Mariner was presented as one of the few so-called luxury ships. Being small in size, she preserves the privacy and privilege of those who sail on board. All cabins are Suites with a balcony, spacious and equipped to make you feel at home.
Lysekil is a locality and the seat of Lysekil Municipality in Västra Götaland County, Sweden. It had about 7,600 inhabitants in 2018. Situated on the south tip of Stångenäs peninsula at the mouth of Gullmarn fjord, it has two nature reserves.
Originally a small fishing village, it developed into a town for fishing industries, commercial shipping and trade during the 18th and 19th centuries. Stone industry based on the red Bohus granite from quarries in the town, was also vital to Lysekil up until the 1950s. One of Sweden's largest oil refineries, Preemraff Lysekil is situated outside the town.
During the 19th century, Lysekil was established as a prominent spa and bathing resort and tourism still makes up a large part of the town's economy.
「クライペダはリトアニアの都市であり、バルト海に流れ込むダネー川の河口に位置しています。リトアニアで3番目に大きい都市で、クライペダ郡の首都です。クライペダはその主要なアイコンで知られています:彫刻Annchen von Tarau劇場広場、旧市街の古い帆船MeridianasとFachwerkの建築物Klaipėdaにはたくさんの彫刻があることでも知られています。クライペダの博物館には、リトアニア海博物館、イルカ水族館、キャッスル博物館、鍛冶屋博物館、小リトアニア歴史博物館があります。伝説によれば、リトアニアの民話の「アニケ」を描いた像が彼に直面していなかったため、ヒトラーはイライラしていました。レプリカは元の場所に移動しました。」