Alemania en Tren
Z 2.323 €

Alemania en Tren

Data utworzenia: środa, 10 lipca 2024 - Wylot: poniedziałek, 3 lutego 2025
Ref ID: 10114221
Cena za osobę Z
2.323 €
Oparte na 2 dorośli ludzie
Data utworzenia: środa, 10 lipca 2024 - Wylot: poniedziałek, 3 lutego 2025
Destynacje: Hamburg, Berlin, Lipsk, Erlangen, Monachium, Zurych, Stuttgart, Kolonia

Szczegółowy plan podróży

03 lut
Transport z Madryt do Hamburg
Lufthansa Lufthansa
06:15 - Madrid, Adolfo Suárez Madrid Barajas
14:36 - Hamburg, Hamburg Hbf Alternatywny dworzec kolejowy
8godz 21m 1 PC 1 Przystanek Taryfa: CLASSIC
LH Lufthansa - LH 1121
06:15 - Madrid, Adolfo Suárez Madrid Barajas (MAD)
08:50 - Frankfurt, Frankfurt Main (FRA)
Transport:  LH1121
Klasa kabiny: Economy
1godz 51m - Przystanek w Frankfurt, Frankfurt Main
Zmiana z terminalu 1 na TN
LH Lufthansa - LH 3694
10:41 - Frankfurt, Frankfurt Main
14:36 - Hamburg, Hamburg Hbf Alternatywny dworzec kolejowy
Klasa kabiny: Economy
  • 3 Min. przystanek techniczny KWQ.
  • 2 Min. przystanek techniczny GOTTINGEN RAILWAY STATION (ZEU).
  • 3 Min. przystanek techniczny HBF RAILWAY STATION , Hanover (ZVR).
03 lut
1. Hamburg
Pobyt od
Informacje o miejscu docelowym: Hamburg, centuries-old trading city, is a busy mixture of Hanseatic commercialism and cosmopolitanism. A very handsome city, though badly damaged during WWII, much of the copper-roofed brick architecture so characteristic of northern Germany survives, while lovely parks and lakes give rise to Hamburg’s claim that it is the Venice of the north. An active cultural life lends further vitality to this sprawling port city. Hamburg’s old town is filtered with wonderful canals running from the Alster to the Elbe. The richly ornamented Rathaus dominates the city centre. Close by is the equally imposing St. Michaeliskirche. Climb the massive spire of this lovely baroque church for a splendid view. Near the Rathaus are the Börse, appropriately grand for this city of commerce, and the devastated St Nikolai church. Its remains are considered an anti-war memorial. Shopping lovers should head towards Pöseldrof, a charming quarter of ritzy homes, small cafes, boutiques and antique shops. The night birds will have a blast at the infamous St. Pauli district. Hamburg will surprise visitors with its dynamic and cool atmosphere. In this city absolutely everyone can find a good place to fit one’s taste. Its multiple parks, canals, bridges and beautiful lakes formed by the river Alster, will make you forget its apparent austerity.
Więcej informacji
03 lut
2 Nocy
05 lut
Transport z Hamburg do Berlin
Lufthansa Lufthansa
10:30 - Bremen, Bremen Neuenland Alternatywne lotnisko
5godz 54m 0 PC 1 Przystanek Taryfa: LIGHT
LH Lufthansa - LH 355
10:30 - Bremen, Bremen Neuenland (BRE) Alternatywne lotnisko
11:30 - Frankfurt, Frankfurt Main (FRA)
Transport:  LH355
Klasa kabiny: Economy
1godz 31m - Przystanek w Frankfurt, Frankfurt Main
Zmiana z terminalu 1 na TN
LH Lufthansa - LH 3734
13:01 - Frankfurt, Frankfurt Main
Klasa kabiny: Economy
  • 2 Min. przystanek techniczny ERFURT HBF RAILWAY STATION (XIU).
05 lut
2. Berlin
Pobyt od
Informacje o miejscu docelowym: Stolica Niemiec, Berlin jest jednym z najbardziej ekscytujących i najbardziej historycznych miejsc zarówno w Niemczech, jak i w Europie. To tu mieszają się kontrasty między zabytkowymi budowlami i współczesną architekturą, między tradycją i nowoczesnością, a historię tego miasta opowiadają jego zabytki - od Bramy Brandenburskiej, po wieloletnie muzea ukazujące skarby z całego świata. Nie da się również ukryć, że Berlin to ważny punkt na mapie historycznej, co gdzieniegdzie zauważyć można jeszcze na ulicach miast, podziwiając architekturę sprzed II wojny światowej. Ci, którzy cenią sobie relaks i ciszę również znajdą tu coś dla siebie, bowiem miasto otula niezliczona liczba pięknych parków, ogrodów, kanałów i jezior. Tereny zielone zajmują około 14 procent powierzchni Berlina, a jednym z najpopularniejszych i najpiękniejszych parków jest Tiergarten - Viktoria Park, w którym znajduje się wodospad oraz ptaszarnie z różnymi gatunkami ptaków. W okresie letnim mieszkańcy miasta spędzają tu czas na piknikach, grillowaniu, zabawach z rodziną, czy spacerach ze zwierzakami. Bez względu na wybór, jedno jest pewne - w Berlinie nie można się nudzić!
Więcej informacji
07 lut
Transport z Berlin do Lipsk
Lufthansa Lufthansa
12:55 - Berlin, Berlin-Brandenburg Willy Brandt (BER)
16:05 - Leipzig, Leipzig Halle (LEJ)
3godz 10m 0 PC 1 Przystanek
LH Lufthansa - LH 2207
12:55 - Berlin, Berlin-Brandenburg Willy Brandt (BER)
14:05 - Munich, Franz Josef Strauss München (MUC)
Transport:  LH2207
Klasa kabiny: Economy
Taryfy: LIGHT
1godz 0m - Przesiadka Munich, Franz Josef Strauss München (MUC)
LH Lufthansa - LH 2170
15:05 - Munich, Franz Josef Strauss München (MUC)
16:05 - Leipzig, Leipzig Halle (LEJ)
Transport:  LH2170
Klasa kabiny: Economy
Taryfy: LIGHT
07 lut
3. Lipsk
Pobyt od
Informacje o miejscu docelowym: The city of Leipzig is famous for two things: books and music. The university, founded in 1409, stands for an illustrious tradition of learning that embraces the names of Lessing and Nietzsche, among others. Publishing has always been a thriving industry in this city. The Altstadt, the old quarter, is still crammed with bookstores, and major international book fairs take place here annually. Music is a real tradition here, and occupies a central place in the lives of its inhabitants. In 1723 Johann Sebastian Bach settled here, he filled many of the city’s churches with the sound of his early work. The fortified towers of the Neues Rathaus dominates the Altstadt. Nearby, is the Thomaskirche where J.S. Bach served as cantor. Bach’s grave lies just in front of the altar. The heart of the city throbs within the Marktplatz, a colourful cobbled square guarded by the charming Altes Rathaus. Inside, the City History Museum recounts the history of the city. Behind it is the Alte Börse with a monument to Goethe in front. Leipzig offers its guests a wide choice of entertainment .Visit the many museums that the city has, or if you prefer, stroll casually through the arcades and passageways covered with glazed structures so typical of Leipzig. This fun and dynamic city has, as well, its fair share of colourful shops and cafes and an abundance of nightlife.
Więcej informacji
08 lut
Transport z Lipsk do Erlangen
Lufthansa Lufthansa
06:10 - Leipzig, Leipzig Halle
11:00 - Nuernberg, Nuernberg Railway
4godz 50m 0 PC 1 Przystanek Taryfa: LIGHT
LH Lufthansa - LH 157
06:10 - Leipzig, Leipzig Halle (LEJ)
07:10 - Frankfurt, Frankfurt Main (FRA)
Transport:  LH157
Klasa kabiny: Economy
1godz 24m - Przystanek w Frankfurt, Frankfurt Main
Zmiana z terminalu 1 na TN
LH Lufthansa - LH 3450
08:34 - Frankfurt, Frankfurt Main
11:00 - Nuernberg, Nuernberg Railway
Klasa kabiny: Economy
  • 3 Min. przystanek techniczny WUERZBURG HBF RAILWAY STN (QWU).
09 lut
Transport z Erlangen do Monachium
Lufthansa Lufthansa
06:15 - Nuernberg, Nurnberg
12:12 - Munich, Munich Railway
5godz 57m 0 PC 1 Przystanek Taryfa: LIGHT
LH Lufthansa - LH 143
06:15 - Nuernberg, Nurnberg (NUE)
07:00 - Frankfurt, Frankfurt Main (FRA)
Transport:  LH143
Klasa kabiny: Economy
1godz 34m - Przystanek w Frankfurt, Frankfurt Main
Zmiana z terminalu 1 na TN
LH Lufthansa - LH 3450
08:34 - Frankfurt, Frankfurt Main
12:12 - Munich, Munich Railway
Klasa kabiny: Economy
  • 3 Min. przystanek techniczny WUERZBURG HBF RAILWAY STN (QWU).
  • 4 Min. przystanek techniczny Nuernberg Railway (ZAQ).
09 lut
5. Monachium
Pobyt od
Informacje o miejscu docelowym: Munich, located at the river Isar in the south of Bavaria, is famous for its Word-class museums, beautiful parks, the annual Oktoberfest beer celebration and architecture. The beautiful public buildings and monuments are testaments to the imperial aspirations of the Wittelsbach family, rulers of Bavaria from the 12th to the 20th century. Although it was heavily damaged by allied bombing during World War II, many of its historic buildings have been rebuilt and the city center appears mostly as it did in the late 1800s including its largest church, the Frauenkirche, and the famous city hall (Neues Rathaus). An odd mix of proud traditionalism and avant-garde culture will keep you interested and active and the town does stay up until all hours, with its many students and earthly Bavarian joie de vivre.
Więcej informacji
10 lut
Transport z Monachium do Zurych
Lufthansa Lufthansa
05:35 - Munich, Munich Railway
10:40 - Zurich, Zurich
5godz 5m 1 PC 1 Przystanek Taryfa: CLASSIC
LH Lufthansa - LH 3449
05:35 - Munich, Munich Railway
08:39 - Frankfurt, Frankfurt Main
Klasa kabiny: Economy
  • 2 Min. przystanek techniczny Nuernberg Railway (ZAQ).
1godz 6m - Przystanek w Frankfurt, Frankfurt Main
Zmiana z terminalu TN na 1
LH Lufthansa - LH 1186
09:45 - Frankfurt, Frankfurt Main (FRA)
10:40 - Zurich, Zurich (ZRH)
Transport:  LH1186
Klasa kabiny: Economy
10 lut
6. Zurych
Pobyt od
Informacje o miejscu docelowym: Zurich labours under the misconception that it is nothing more than a sterile banking city – don't believe a word of it. True, Zurich plays home to one of the largest stock exchanges in the world and is the financial motor of Switzerland itself, but step back from the markets and share prices and you'll find an arty, trend-conscious and vibrant city. Just hang in Zurich West for a while. Its former warehouses, viaducts and ship building caverns have been converted into art centres, funky bars and quirky boutiques. Along Langstrasse, the city’s notorious red light district, you’re now as likely to take home a chic handbag crafted by an emerging designer as you are a piece of skirt. Zurich’s character booms from the speakers of the annual Street Parade, a mammoth techno festival that weaves through the city with DJs and minimally-clad dancers on floats. There isn’t a banker’s tie in sight. If there is in the pretty east bank quarter of Niederdorf, it’s loosened. These medieval streets are abuzz with cafés on corners, trendy taprooms and world-class restaurants. It’s easy to while away an afternoon just absorbing its laidback atmosphere, especially in summer when the riverside take on a beach vibe. Winter is special too. Under the spell of snow, the cobbled alleyways, fountains, lakeside promenades and stunning architecture of the Old Town were made for the stroke of an artist’s brush. This is when one of Europe’s best Christmas markets rolls into town and the warming citruses and cinnamons of the glühwein (mulled wine) stalls fill the air. Shoppers will be in their element here at any time of year. Zurich’s flashy side is evident in the upmarket designer boutiques of Bahnhofstrasse, the city’s main shopping drag. But this is no longer a city for the smart set alone; there are plenty of unusual shops to be discovered down hidden streets. Sitting astride the River Limmat and the northern tip of Lake Zurich, Mother Nature certainly smiles down on Switzerland’s biggest city. Architects were courteous in their additions too - just check out the Fraumünster and Grossmünster churches, which face each other across the river. Then, when you’ve had enough of the city’s diverse array of restaurants, first-rate museums and pulsing nightlife, there’s always the nearby Uetliberg mountain or a boat trip on Lake Zurich to enjoy – if only to catch your breath before diving back into the city’s delights again.
Więcej informacji
11 lut
Transport z Zurych do Stuttgart
Lufthansa Lufthansa
11:15 - Zurich, Zurich
14:38 - Stuttgart, Stuttgart Railway Station
3godz 23m 1 PC 1 Przystanek Taryfa: CLASSIC
LH Lufthansa - LH 1187
11:15 - Zurich, Zurich (ZRH)
12:20 - Frankfurt, Frankfurt Main (FRA)
Transport:  LH1187
Klasa kabiny: Economy
1godz 3m - Przystanek w Frankfurt, Frankfurt Main
Zmiana z terminalu 1 na TN
LH Lufthansa - LH 3418
13:23 - Frankfurt, Frankfurt Main
14:38 - Stuttgart, Stuttgart Railway Station
Klasa kabiny: Economy
11 lut
7. Stuttgart
Pobyt od
Informacje o miejscu docelowym: Famous for hosting the headquarters of Mercedes-Benz, many believe that Stuttgart is a grey industrial city, but it may well be the greenest city in Europe. More than half of its surroundings are covered by orchards, meadows, forests and more than 500 vineyards that produce great wines. The city is in full metamorphosis. The city is slowly shifting the urban fabric, thought mainly for cars, to make more room for pedestrians. After Second World War, the architectural treasures of the city were rebuilt. Today it attracts nearly half a million tourists every year thanks to its impressive museums and air of relaxed prosperity. The city is located in a valley west of river Neckar. Stretching south-west from the Neckar River to the city centre is the Schlossgarten, an extensive strip of parkland and ponds, complete with swans, street entertainers and modern sculptures. Nearby, in the heart of the city centre, is the Schlossplatz, one of the most beautiful squares in Stuttgart. On the south edge of the Schlossplatz, the Neues Schloss, a baroque palace which now houses government offices, stands proudly. The palace stands adjacent to the Old Castle, home to the Württemberg State Museum, the main historical museum of the state of Baden-Württemberg. One of the most attractive and popular places is the Mercedes-Benz Museum representing unique exhibits of rare cars and cutting-edge models. It is also worth noting that the museum building itself is very interesting from an architectural point of view. Stuttgart oozes charm and a certain flair, offering visitors a range of historic and cultural attractions, despite its modernity.
Więcej informacji
12 lut
Transport z Stuttgart do Kolonia
Lufthansa Lufthansa
06:30 - Stuttgart, Stuttgart
09:33 - Cologne, Cologne Railway
3godz 3m 0 PC 1 Przystanek Taryfa: LIGHT
LH Lufthansa - LH 127
06:30 - Stuttgart, Stuttgart (STR)
07:20 - Frankfurt, Frankfurt Main (FRA)
Transport:  LH127
Klasa kabiny: Economy
1godz 11m - Przystanek w Frankfurt, Frankfurt Main
Zmiana z terminalu 1 na TN
LH Lufthansa - LH 3482
08:31 - Frankfurt, Frankfurt Main
09:33 - Cologne, Cologne Railway
Klasa kabiny: Economy
12 lut
8. Kolonia
Pobyt od
Informacje o miejscu docelowym: Cologne, a centre for industry and transportation since ancient Roman times, has an extremely rich cultural tradition. During WWII 95% of the city was demolished, but the city miraculously recovered and many of its old churches and monuments have been meticulously restored. Cologne is now an attractive and lively centre of European art. It’s worth visiting this city, if only for the famous cathedral, though there’s much more to see. Situated on the Rhine River, the skyline of Cologne is dominated by the cathedral. This breathtaking cathedral, with its brilliant stained-glass windows, is justly famous as one of the world’s purest expressions of High-Gothic architecture. Cologne has one of the most extensive old town centres in the country, and the cathedral is its heart and soul. Across the square from the cathedral is the Römisch-Germanisches Museum, which displays artefacts from the original Roman colony. The Wallrof-Richartz museum and Museum Ludwig is a must for art enthusiasts. It is one of the country’s finest art galleries and makes brilliant use of natural light. A host of 12th and 13th century churches and several more of an ultra-modern post-war style also dot the streets of the old town. Cosmopolitan, open-minded, friendly are characteristics describing people from Cologne. Evenings and weekends in the city are like miniature carnivals, with bustling crowds and lots of things to do. Beer is the beverage of choice and there are lots of places to enjoy it.
Więcej informacji
12 lut
1 Noc
13 lut
Transport z Kolonia do Madryt
Iberia Airlines
Iberia Airlines Iberia Airlines - IB758
06:25 - Duesseldorf, Dusseldorf (DUS) Alternatywne lotnisko
09:05 - Madrid, Adolfo Suárez Madrid Barajas (MAD)
2godz 40m 0 PC Bez przerwy Taryfa: BASIC
Transport:  IB758
Klasa kabiny: Economy
Cena za osobę Z
2.323 €
Oparte na 2 dorośli ludzie
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