Portugal by car
Z 309 €

Portugal by car

Data utworzenia: środa, 28 kwietnia 2021 - Wylot: poniedziałek, 28 czerwca 2021
Ref ID: 1111317
Cena za osobę Z
309 €
Oparte na 2 dorośli ludzie
Data utworzenia: środa, 28 kwietnia 2021 - Wylot: poniedziałek, 28 czerwca 2021
Destynacje: Porto, Braga, Viana do Castelo, Chantada

Szczegółowy plan podróży

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28 cze
Podróż samochodem z 553 kilometrów - 5godz 55m
28 cze
1. Porto
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Informacje o miejscu docelowym: Situated on a dramatic valley cut by River Douro, Porto is known for the beauty of its building and the sweet taste of is wine. The hub of the city is Avenida dos Aliados, a wide avenue encircle by Praça General H. Delgado and Praça da Liberdade. Nonetheless, the most alluring part of the city is Ribeira, the river district and a Unesco World Heritage Site, where three of Europe’s most graceful bridges span the gorge. Busy Praça da Liberdade and the adjoining Avenida dos Aliados make up the centre of town, where statues stand in the centre of busy mosaic walkways. Nearby rises Porto’s great cathedral, a colossal, fortified Romanesque structure whose heavy granite foundations, thick walls and tiny windows enclose a gloomy interior. The Ribeira stretches along the river, skirted by a wonderful quay filled with shops and restaurants. Porto’s most characteristic monument, the ornate Torre dos Clérigos, offers a panorama of the city from atop its 240 steps. No visit to Porto would be complete without a stop at some of the many bodegas, wine lodges, where port is stored and bottled. And a visit to the amazing Lello library with its spiral staircase, is a must see as well, even if you are not a Harry Potter’s fan.
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30 cze
Podróż samochodem z 54 kilometrów - 46m
30 cze
2. Braga
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Informacje o miejscu docelowym: Braga is one of the oldest cities in Portugal. The Portuguese called it Roma because it was a center of ecclesiastical power. Portugal's spiritual heart, is a lively little city with an exquisite assortment of baroque churches, a sprawling cathedral and Roman ruins, including one of the country's best-known sights, the Bom Jesus Sanctuary.It hosts traditional religious festivals throughout the year, including Portugal's most colourful Holy Week. Today it is a modern city with a young population, bustling with commerce and industry surrounding a lively and attractive old center with a number of pedestrian streets with cheerful cafes, elegant shops, exquisite restaurants and cool bars full of university students. Even though it is an old city it has a young spirit, so much so that in 2012 it was pronounced the European Youth Capital.
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30 cze
Wine Tour - Douro Valley
Wine Tour - Douro Valley
Full day Tour (08:30-18:30 Spanish)
Patrz szczegóły
01 lip
Podróż samochodem z 60 kilometrów - 43m
Viana do Castelo
01 lip
3. Viana do Castelo
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Informacje o miejscu docelowym: Viana do Castelo to gmina i siedziba dzielnicy Viana do Castelo w północnej części Portugalii. Liczba ludności w 2011 r. Wynosiła 88.725, obejmując powierzchnię 319,02 km². Zurbanizowany obszar gminy, który obejmuje miasto, liczy około 36 148 mieszkańców.
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01 lip
2 Nocy
03 lip
Podróż samochodem z 193 kilometrów - 2godz 12m
Viana do Castelo
03 lip
4. Chantada
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Informacje o miejscu docelowym: Chantada, is a municipality in the province of Lugo, Galicia, Spain. Chantada is situated on the left bank of the Río Asma, a small right-hand tributary of the Minho river, and on the main road from Ourense, 29 km S. by W., to Lugo, 45 km N. by E.[2] Chantada is the chief town of the fertile region between the Minho and the heights of O Faro, which mark the western border of the province. Despite the lack of railway communication, it has a thriving trade in grain, flax, hemp, and dairy produce.
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06 lip
Podróż samochodem z 549 kilometrów - 5godz 45m
Cena za osobę Z
309 €
Oparte na 2 dorośli ludzie
Plan podróży obejmuje
Destynacje 4
Zakwaterowanie 4
Działania 1

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