Vienna, Prague & Budapest
Od 185 €

Vienna, Prague & Budapest

Vytvorený: utorok 1. septembra 2020 - Odchod: pondelok 26. októbra 2020
Ref ID: 972417
Cena za osobu Od
185 €
Na základe 2 Dospelís
Vytvorený: utorok 1. septembra 2020 - Odchod: pondelok 26. októbra 2020
Destinácie: Praha, Viedeň, Budapešť

Váš deň do dňa

26 okt
1. Praha
O destinácii: Prague is the capital city and largest city of the Czech Republic. It is located on the Vltava River in central bohemia. Prague is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. For those interested in art, history, classical music, and architecture, Prague is a must see. Beautiful buildings and architecture can be seen around every corner. The River Vltava runs through the middle of Prague. Many bridges span the river but it’s the Charles Bridge, which is pedestrianized that visitors are drawn to for its combination of Gothic construction and Baroque Statues. Here there are street vendors selling all sorts of things, and in the distance on the hill is the Castle, considered the historic nexus of the city. The Old Town Square is one of two main squares in Prague and where some of the main attractions of the city are located such as the Old Town Hall Tower, the Astronomical Clock, the Church of Our Lady before Tyn and St. Nicholas Church. Since 1992, the historic center of Prague has been included in the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites. Prague's city center is a museum of 900 years' of architecture, Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, 19th-century revivals of all of them, and Art Nouveau remain amazingly undisturbed by the 20th century. Prague is truly an architectural delight.
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26 okt
2 Nocí
28 okt
Doprava z Praha do Viedeň
FlixBus DACH
FlixBus DACH - MFB
18:05 - Prague, Prague (Main Railway Station)
22:05 - Vienna, Vienna Erdberg (VIB)
4h 0m Nepretržite
Trieda kabíny: Economy
28 okt
2. Viedeň
O destinácii: Viedeň je hlavné a najväčšie mesto Rakúskej republiky. Je to krásne romantické mesto známe svojou kávovou kultúrou a kaviarňami, klasickou hudbou a koncertnými sálami, historickými budovami, konskými povozmi a pôvabnými uličkami. Viedeň je bohatá na kultúrnu rozmanitosť a jej poloha v samom srdci Európy z nej robí aj výborný východiskový bod pre cestovanie po Európe. Viedeň, pôsobivé mesto na návštevu, mestu dominuje Ringstrasse, štyri kilometre dlhý bulvár, ktorý obopína centrum mesta. Mesto je plné moderných vymožeností a atrakcií, ale aj pripomenutia veľkého historického a kultúrneho dedičstva. Vynikajúce múzeá, paláce, záhrady, architektonické triumfy, pozostatky dávnych obyvateľov, sochy a veľké kaviarne sa miešajú s módnymi obchodmi, vynikajúcimi reštauráciami, prístupnými hudobnými priestormi, modernými múzeami a sochami a luxusnými hotelmi, vďaka ktorým je Viedeň veľmi atraktívna. Rozsiahle pešie uličky starého mesta sú pôžitkom, lemované krásnymi starými budovami, obývanými mladými i starými, plné miestnych obchodov, butikov a kaviarní a nečakané na každom kroku. Centrum mesta je zapísané na zozname svetového dedičstva UNESCO. Viedeň je história a hudba, poézia a kultúra, modernizmus a tradícia, nostalgia a vznešenosť.
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30 okt
Doprava z Viedeň do Budapešť
Flixbus Cee North Gmbh
Flixbus Cee North Gmbh - FLIXCEEN
07:15 - Vienna, Vienna Central Station
10:00 - Budapest, Budapest Kelenföld
2h 45m Nepretržite
Trieda kabíny: Economy
30 okt
3. Budapešť
O destinácii: Budapest is known as one of Europe’s most stunning cities. It may be thanks to its impressive surroundings, the Danube River that divides the city, the Buda hills to the west and the Great Plain to the east or due to its varied and beautiful architecture: Renaissance, Byzantine, Neo-Classical, and Art-Nouveau buildings coexist in perfect harmony. Its extensive World Heritage Site includes: the banks of the Danube, Buda Castle Quarter, Andrassy Avenue, Hero’s Square, and the Millennium Underground Railway. To top that, the city has 80 geothermal springs, the world’s largest water cave system where visitors can indulge in a relaxing bath. Budapest became a single city in 1873, occupying both banks of the river Danube, to the west there is Buda and Pest lays at the east. Both sides of the city have very different personalities. Buda is the quiet section of the city. Walking around Buda, travelers will be able to inspect the Castle Quarter and explore the narrow cobbled streets that lead to the Fishermen’s bastion with its fairytale towers, which represent the 7 tribes that existed in the city in the 9th century. This decorative fortification is located atop the Buda Castel Hill and offers the best panoramic view in Budapest. The eastern side, Pest, is where all the action takes place. This section of the city has a fin-de-siècle feel to it and nearly every building has some interesting or unusual detail. Visitors will be invited to take long strolls on its wide boulevards filled with all sorts of shops or enjoy a well-deserved coffee in its grand coffee houses. Pest is home to the parliament building and the Dohari street synagogue, the largest synagogue in Europe. The scars of WWII are still present in the city, bullet holes and shrapnel scorings left over from the Second World War and the 1956 Uprising are still visible in some of the facades, painful reminders of this grey period of history. There are several tributes honoring the Hungarian Jews that lost their lives, as the poignant Shoes on the Danube memorial or the Raoul Wallenberg Holocaust Memorial Park. This side of the river is also considered the cultural heart of the city with numerous art galleries and with more opera, concerts and ballet performances than there are days of the week. The capital’s best restaurants are found in Pest too, and it’s here the nightlife wrestles with until the early hours as well. For a unique drink try a Ruin Pub, Budapest’s network of bars in disused buildings that include former tenement houses, factory buildings and community centres. Budapest has combined all its influences and overcome its complex history to shape its own character, and sure it did it right.
Viac informácií
1 Poistencia
Insurance (Insurance Inclusion Intermundial Travelc) - Region (Single Country Continent) - Days (7)
Cena za osobu Od
185 €
Na základe 2 Dospelís
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