Toronto, Niagara-on-the-Lake can be translated to Albanian as "Niagara mbi Liqen"., Niagara Falls, NY në shqip do të ishte "Ujëvarat e Niagarës, NY"., Detroit, MI, Holland MI, Çikago, IL, Los Anxhelos, Kaliforni, Las Vegas NV is typically not translated into Albanian, as it is a proper noun. However, you can refer to it as "Las Vegas, Nevada" in Albanian as well., Grand Kanjoni, AZ, Arizona, Las Vegas NV is typically not translated into Albanian, as it is a proper noun. However, you can refer to it as "Las Vegas, Nevada" in Albanian as well., Death Valley CA, Bakersfield, CA në shqip mbetet e njëjtë, pra "Bakersfield, CA". Emrat e vendeve zakonisht nuk përkthehen, por mbeten në formën e tyre origjinale., Parku Kombëtar Sequoia dhe Kings Canyon, CA, Fresno, Kaliforni, Parku Kombëtar Yosemite, CA, San Francisko, Kaliforni