Istanbul, Turkey
从 410 €
伊斯坦布尔, 土耳其

Istanbul, Turkey

已创建: 2023年5月23日星期二 - 出发: 2024年6月24日星期一
引用 ID: 5445238
每人价格 从
410 €
基于 2 成年人
已创建: 2023年5月23日星期二 - 出发: 2024年6月24日星期一


伊斯坦布尔拥有其历史重要性及其令人惊叹的文化和建筑遗产,位于其完美的战略位置,横跨欧洲和小亚细亚的博斯普鲁斯海峡。在其2500多年的历史中,这个城市(首先被称为拜占庭,然后是君士坦丁堡,自1930年以来就是伊斯坦布尔)是一个文化大熔炉。今天,它的人口超过1300万,几乎完全是土耳其人,其中许多人都是来自土耳其省的新移民,他们在这个充满活力,发展迅速的城市中获得了就业和职业的承诺。伊斯坦布尔不再是国家的首都,而是土耳其的经济和文化强国 - 2010年作为欧洲文化城市的角色以及联合国教科文组织世界遗产名录在其许多最重要的地标上获奖,其中包括惊人的奥斯曼清真寺和拜占庭式的教堂和地下墓穴,以及希腊化的寺庙和巨大的中世纪城墙的遗迹。但伊斯坦布尔还有比拜占庭和奥斯曼传统更多的东西。快速增长的经济促成了蓬勃发展的艺术和音乐场景,拥有众多新酒吧,俱乐部,私人艺术画廊,餐厅和设计师时装店。


24 6月
6 晚上
The Time istanbul Hotel 7.5
LALELI/ISTANBUL - At 0.6 km from the centre住宿加早餐旅馆Ordu Cad., 87, LALELI/ISTANBUL Doble economy
In this unique city, those who have finished the ages, the initiator has always been the gates ... The gates that open the gates of those masks that hide a heritage that has been a topic for centuries ... The most privileged and powerful details of Istanbul history, historical peninsula ... 64 doors of Istanbul ... TheTime Hotel Old City is located on the historic peninsula as the 64th Gate after the 65th historic gate of Istanbul, which has witnessed the development of this geography for centuries. 65 rooms The Time Hotel Old City of , 65 doors opening to the public, promises to our guests a brand new Istanbul experience that witnesses a changing area. This luxurious hotel is located in the Laleli district of the mesmerising city of Istanbul. The hotel enjoys ease of access to local transport facilities and links to the many famous sightseeing attractions this captivating city has to offer. This stunning, boutique-style hotel enjoys a striking architectural style, tempting guests with the promise of style, comfort and exemplary service. The 65 guest rooms are superbly designed, offering the ideal surroundings in which to lie back and unwind in comfort and enjoy restful slumber. The adult concept hotel features a wide array of exceptional facilities, catering to guests' leisure, dining and recreational needs and requirements to the highest degree of excellence.
每人价格 从
410 €
基于 2 成年人

会员价从 410 €

目的地 1
宿舍 1