Castilla y León
Z 105 €

Castilla y León

Data utworzenia: piątek, 4 września 2020 - Wylot: poniedziałek, 8 lutego 2021
Ref ID: 1128595
Cena za osobę Z
105 €
Oparte na 2 dorośli ludzie
Data utworzenia: piątek, 4 września 2020 - Wylot: poniedziałek, 8 lutego 2021
Destynacje: Segovia, Valladolid, Salamanka, Avila


Szczegółowy plan podróży

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08 lut
Podróż samochodem z 99 kilometrów - 1godz 24m
Palacio Real de La Granja de San Ildefonso
08 lut
1. Palacio Real de La Granja de San Ildefonso
HERITAGE - Zatrzymaj się
08 lut
Podróż samochodem z 12 kilometrów - 20m
Palacio Real de La Granja de San Ildefonso
08 lut
2. Segovia
Zatrzymaj się
Informacje o miejscu docelowym: Segovia is Castile at its best. Splendid golden churches and twisting alleyways filled with the smell of sopa castellana, a rich garlic soup of sausages, bread, and eggs. Only the unwise dash past the massive Roman aqueduct, the cathedral, and the stunning Alcazar in a quick day trip; other know about Segovia’s cool plazas after sundown. The imposing Roman aqueduct has been moving water for over two millennia. View if from Plaza del Azoguejo where the structure reaches a maximum height of 30m, or catch its profile from the steps on the left side of plaza. The city’s position at the confluence of the Rivers Eresma and Clamores has led to compare Segovia to a sailing ship, with the Alcazar, a fortress, as its majestic bow. The fortress commands a stellar view of Segovia and the surrounding plain, inside is a collection of medieval weaponry and several spectacular handcrafted ceilings. The cathedral is a massive late Gothic edifice. Elegant and graceful, Segovia is the true essence of Old Castile.
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08 lut
Podróż samochodem z 122 kilometrów - 1godz 27m
08 lut
3. Valladolid
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Informacje o miejscu docelowym: Valladolid lies on the Río Pisuerga just above its confluence with the Duero. It is the capital of Castilla y León, an outstanding wine-producing area, and on the early 17th century was the capital of Spain for five years. This provincial capital has great museums and a large, characterful old quarter. The historic centre of Valladolid is home to an interesting collection of Renaissance buildings comprising houses, palaces, churches, and one of its most emblematic buildings, its cathedral. The cathedral dwells east of the city’s lively Plaza Mayor. Its plain and massive architecture contrasts with the elaborate ornament of the Plateresque style of its time. The most notable features of the spacious interior are the high altarpiece and the fine Renaissance choir-stalls. The city has an intense cultural scene thanks to its status as a university town, and hosts events such as the Seminci, the International Film Festival, one of the highlights of the Spanish film calendar. There’s a great entertainment and nightlife scene to tap into at the end of a day investigating the city’s history and culture.
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08 lut
2 Nocy
10 lut
Podróż samochodem z 42 kilometrów - 57m
Monasterio de la Santa Espina
10 lut
4. Monasterio de la Santa Espina
HERITAGE - Zatrzymaj się
10 lut
Podróż samochodem z 10 kilometrów - 19m
Monasterio de la Santa Espina
10 lut
5. Urueña
TOWN - Zatrzymaj się
10 lut
Podróż samochodem z 32 kilometrów - 35m
10 lut
6. Toro
TOWN - Zatrzymaj się
10 lut
Podróż samochodem z 102 kilometrów - 1godz 6m
10 lut
7. Salamanka
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Informacje o miejscu docelowym: Salamanca is an architectural tapestry woven in sandstone. Though there are excellent examples of Roman, Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance and baroque structures, the golden stone itself is the thread of continuity and harmony. Nonetheless, this ancient university town, has many monumental highlights. Plaza Mayor, considered by many the most beautiful main square in Spain is a fine place for admiring architecture. The town hall is the large, elegant building in the centre of the square. Two beautiful cathedrals stand side by side: the New Cathedral boasts beautiful Plateresque facades and it is the only entrance to the connecting old, Romanesque Catedral Vieja. The university, the focal point of the city, is one of the best examples of Spanish Plateresque style. Salamanca at night is a party. The illuminated city is the meeting point for hundreds of students collecting tapas and beer. But make no mistake, it is also a city to enjoy a quiet night, savoring some wine on a terrace of Plaza Mayor.
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12 lut
Podróż samochodem z 110 kilometrów - 1godz 12m
12 lut
8. Avila
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Informacje o miejscu docelowym: Avila is a near-perfect 11th century walled city set against the backdrop of the snow-capped ridge of the Sierra de Gredos. This town in its entirety is a national monument. The walls that enclose it are the oldest and best preserved in Spain. Avila is the birthplace and home of Santa Teresa of Jesus, a devout Catholic nun famous for writing poems dedicated to Jesus in which she expressed her devotion to Him. The cathedral, with its red-splotched interior and stone relief works, is actually embedded in the walls. The Basilica of San Vicente is another Romani-Gothic structure. The Convento de San José is the first founded by Santa Teresa. The Convento de Santa Teresa was built on the site of her birth, she later had quite a few mystical experiences at the Convento de la Encarnación. Food in Avila means roast veal and yemas, a local confection made of egg yolks. Avila is certainly no ordinary medieval walled town. Most tourists who visit this place will either feel a surge of chivalry or become poetic or filled with religious fervour.
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13 lut
Podróż samochodem z 109 kilometrów - 1godz 32m
Cena za osobę Z
105 €
Oparte na 2 dorośli ludzie
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Destynacje 8
Zakwaterowanie 3

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